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Trichoderma Harzianum & Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizas

Felix Dzerzhinsky

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Yo :)

A little furthering of the funky fungi.

I saw that there was an attempt to breed the fungi here, using an open top petri dish, and then collect the "spores".

A few problems with this method.

1. An open top petri dish has no chance what so ever of culturing solely what you innoculated with, the procedures you have to go through to ensure that there are no comtaminats are absolutely ridiculous, in fact, due to the way that the funki fungi arives, i suspect that it is impossible.

The tube of dried mycellium may be full of spores, and anything that would be strong enough to kill those contaminats will also be strong enough to kill the mycellum.

2.The fungi comes as freeze dried mycellium, not as spores, if you have managed to collect some of the material, it would not have been spores, it would have been mycelium.

So, what i think you really need is an ameture mycologist, luckily that what i am :rofl::D

To the end of furthering the fungi :) I have made myself a couple of cakes, with organic rice flakes, vermiculate in a roughly 1:2 ratio, with a little water.

The mix was packed into containers and boiled in a pressure cooker under pressure for an hour to remove any contaminats.

THe entire room that the operation was occuring in was cleaned to surgiacal standards multiple times during the operation.

The cakes were then placed into a sterilised glove box for inncoulation, in this case, some funki fungi was sirred in with surgically clean impliments.

Normally, i would never open a mushroom cake up this much, i innoculat for mushrooms ithout opening the lid, if i didnt have a glove box, i would be certain that taking this lid off would have a high chance of introducing contaminats.

Now i will sit and watch the cake grow, im using low temperature to breed the mycellium, because a high temperature is more likely to innoculate any stray spores in the substance, where as the mycellium will require a much lower temperature to grow.

In the past I have had much experience successfulyl isolating mycellium strains from infected batches of spores, and as long as it enjoys the rice flake media i have used, i should have no problems doing it again.

To isolate the relevent mycellium, one finds the relevant mycellum in the jar, prepares some new jars with the same surgical procedures as before, and then remove small parts of the wanted myellium with a scalepl, and insert it in the new jars, close them all up, and hope you have one that grows without contaminats eventually by repeating this process :)

Well, the experiemnt will be fully running by the end of the day, if it is successful, i will post back the methodology with a full set of pictures.

I cant remember who it was attempting to cultivate spores on an open top petri dish, but u did make me laff a good one bud :(


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I cant remember who it was attempting to cultivate spores on an open top petri dish, but u did make me laff a good one bud :wink:

That would be Comrade Moderator Felix who started this topic.

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Guest The Sheriff

Heya ,

but u did make me laff
yep and created thirty eight pages of hilarity , sounds dead techie & fascinating , have you the scope to go down to amoeba/flagellate ? would be some info for sure .
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used the canna powder on some new seedlings in jiffy plugs . i just got the jiffy plugs and soaked them in the inoculated water,and the roots are growing mad and the plants are of the hock, on the 3rd set of leaves in under a week wow thanks for the introduction into new fast organic growth guys. ;) rereading the topic my heads already start aching, im only at page 10 anyway enough for tonight save for another day.


e.t.s just remembered that jiffy plugs are just compressed peat yes no ? anyone reakon ill have to reapply soon ? cheers

Edited by gotdagreen
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Nice one gotdagreen! lol Thats very useful info and deeply appreciated! ;)

eta: yes, jiffy pots are compressed peat but I hear you can now get them in coir fiber. I would reapply on every transplant. Sprinkle around the root zone. I also add some while fertilizing me girls during weeks 3 and 8 (of a 9 week flowering period).

Edited by Randalizer
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yeh i thought as much cheers randalizer . i have also come to own another kind of freeze dried culture . its called no mercy bacteria. anyone herd of it ? it says its just bacteria so ill only need molasses ?


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Little update on my scheme for free fungus :guitar:

The jars which i innoculated have shown excellent white mycellium growing fast.

Jars which were innoculated with spores at the time have shown 0 signs of activity so far, thus i dont suspect that the mycellium is due to a media or air contamination.

The fact that it has bred so fast in such cold conditions, is a good tell for it being either mycellium, or a bacteria of some kind, and no such bacteri was present in the other medai samples.

Overall, im quietly hopefull that this has been an easy process, but the final tell will be seeing if this mycellium will graft to the roots of a plant.



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Nice work! Just to point out, when Felix started this fine topic one of the first things he asked was "is there an amateur mycologist in the house?"

What took you so long! :yep:

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Cheers randalizer, i hope i havent come across as takin the mick outa the thread starter, as he freely admits himself hes no mycologist, nor has he had any reasn to learn about it until now.

Anyway, although all signs point to it being the correct mycelium, im holding out on the tech until i have shown the mycellium i hve grown is able to exist in symbiosis with plant roots.

Gotdagreen, I assume u mean to cover the tops? could do, many ways to skin that particular cat, a lot of peeps use foil, i prefer to seal the tops with tape personally, but nromally im innoculating through a syringe instead of opening the lid.

Underneath all that foil, rest assured that there is some sticky tape covering the 4 unused inlets.


e2a: the mycellium i have cultivated is very cobweb like... not unlike cobweb mold :yinyang:, but it then appears to form much more solid white clumps, which have in places of older age, turned slihghtly yellow.

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Cheers randalizer, i hope i havent come across as takin the mick outa the thread starter, as he freely admits himself hes no mycologist, nor has he had any reasn to learn about it until now.

No worries, just having fun and giving credit where credit is due. :yinyang: Your posts are appreciated btw!!! :unsure:

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Cool, cause i think im about to drop another bombshell :spliff:, surely the effect of bubbling water on the chlorine conect will be nigh on eff all. Also, any chlroine that is "got rid of" will surely form into another compund, containing chlorine, i mean we arent chaning elements here.

Brewing some trichoderma now, think ill just go and add it straight away, see what we get :)


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