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Trichoderma Harzianum & Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizas

Felix Dzerzhinsky

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Congrats OSS! Nice to see them pearly white roots isn't it?

That's some damn fine roots you have there OSS :(
That's some damn fine roots you have there OSS :)

Echoed! ',;~}

Well its absolutely fantastic stuff,and me being the lazy stoner,was looking for a short cut to use the Essence, ;)

im so happy i took the time to do it the way Pro.L describes,also thanks Arbuscule and Felix ,,,,,il report back soon,but ive treated all of my plants with the granules at every potting up and il do a brew up b4 i put them into flower in about 2 weeks,regards all oh the pic is of the Wrhino in my prev post with roots showing,heres what shes like on top, :rofl: ,Oss. :yinyang:

Beautiful OSS :wub:

- that reminds me I need to get a brew going


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One thing I just discovered. :headpain: I was using a rather large glass jar (I haven't fully adopted the Pro Lib methodology, maybe later). This time I opted for a more suitable in size. Well not only did it froth over a bit, but the bubbles bursting released a very fine molasses spray. Now I have a thin film of molasses dots all around where the jar was sitting. Easy to clean but ... :doh:

Edited by Randalizer
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Is it possible to get any essence at the moment? I msg'd webby a few days ago, but no reply. Is there anything else I can use? i'm pretty desperate, all my mums are dying rapidly as we speak..

cheers :(

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Hi guys

wow that was alot of reading! Alot of information to take in contained in this and a few other threads. Can I just check i've got this right?

so i will need



Canna Trichoderma

Seawed extract

Rockdust is mixed with my compost, not sure on amounts (allmix)

allmix already contains "rockmeal" which is basically rockdust, it also contains fungi and bacterial innoculants. bio-bizz pre-mix is basically all of the above. still worth adding a bit of mollasses and maxicrop to your feeds though, as these feed the bugs and fungi

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Arnold Layne

Hello science type peeps, I have a question for you.

I have LSF in my flowering drobe. Its too late to do anything in there now (entering week 7), but I want to protect my Mums who are not very far away. I have tons of "Bio-Life". Is that the right stuff to spray them with (dial-up makes reading through a thread this size rather daunting, so apologies if this a well answered question already :yep: )?

Here's a second question: How long can one store these granules. I have had them over a yaer now, will they still be OK? I plan to dissolve them with some Molasses in water, bubbling for an hour or so then sparyig gently trhough a wide nozzle. By wide, I mean at a setting that does not threaten to shred the microbes.

Ta very much ;)


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Arni biolife and essence are very similar. To use start reading here to save you looking.

The granules are for adding to the root zone, ie a little dust on the roots when potting on.

Both will keep for years as long as stored dry and cool.

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I would love to try some of this 'essence' people are talking about one day.... so far i've tried the granules and the canna actrivator powder, last time i flowered without using anything but well sifted compost and the odd feed and they looked very happy for it....

What a fantastic informative thread, it's helped my understanding of growing and caused me to explore further.

Thanks to everyone involved!



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Well im loving every bit of what Webbys has offerd us growers,as ive only did 6 or 7 grows and ive never had as healthy plants in all my grows as this 1,also the information and guide for brewing Essence ,does wat it says on the tin,i hate been told oh yeah get this it works only to spend ur time and money on something that dont work and as OT1 say actually makes things worse,im loving this type of growing, a little bit of work to put in,but u reap the rewards as in general plant health,and i no nothing only the few very inportant basics ive learnt from reading n reading, and trying things,,,,well im nearly 6 weeks in veg with a multi strain grow from seed,ive 18 very healthy females that showed in veg ;) ,and 1 clone, :) ,ok im planning on turning to 12/12 in the next 7 to 10 days,as all plants just showing roots at holes,but was thinking of spraying them once more with the Essence brew,even tho my plants are healthy,i wanna treat as a preventitive,thoughts on this,,,Felix,Pro.L, or Arbuscule n Withnail is this wat ye do ? also heres a pic of my plants 38days veg,,regards,,,Oss. :smug::bag:


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Likewise I would like to add that with the advice of OT1 and Felix, my garden has never looked better. These fine gentlemen and researchers are such an enormous gift to the growers here at UK420 that heed their advice. :stoned:

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Likewise I would like to add that with the advice of OT1 and Felix, my garden has never looked better. These fine gentlemen and researchers are such an enormous gift to the growers here at UK420 that heed their advice. :rofl:

I most heartily concur/agree/echo! (Again!)

This place, these folk, and in no small measure, this particular thread, have educated me immeasirabley, both directly, and by giving me starting points and making me dig/research further - blessings, and long may this thread continue to draw attention and recognition it deserves.



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Hi guys,

Ive been trying by best to grow organically over the years, I'm currently using root grow and canna trichoderma powder, but lately I seem to of got a bit of a developing fungal problem on my leaves that's now on my Mums and plants that are 2 weeks into flower. I would usually use the trichoderma powder and spray, but hasn't been that affective this time around. I've sent Webby a PM hoping to give the essence a try, from what I've read I hope I can get hold of some. Sounds awsome.

So Webby! Any chance I can get some over my way please mate?

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Well what a super thread ,well my plants have never ever looked as good in all the grows ive done,il never do a grow with out granules n Essence,well ive a mixture brewing up ,not that ive any problems far from it,but as il be putting my 18 females into flower in the next week,i wanna give them a spray of Essence,im nearly 6 weeks in veg and all my reg beans showed sex without forcing them,and healthy lovely plants,il post a pic of my brew again in the morning after 12hrs bubbling,well heres a pic of my plants 38 days since there little heads popped thru there root riots,look at them now,,,regards everybody,,,Oss. :(


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