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Trichoderma Harzianum & Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizas

Felix Dzerzhinsky

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Felix Dzerzhinsky

Probably doesn't hurt to give them a mild solution, you do it either by putting in less molasses and seaweed or by diluting the final solution more, which would be my favoured route lol

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Well ive started my brewing, 2 by 2ltr jugs,air pump and 2 airstones , maxicrop,treacle,essence,and a brand new killer spray plus,oh and a heated prop and hygrometer its all i have,well il post pics wen its brewed and pics wen i spray,thanks Felix ,Pro.L,,and Webby and of course Sir Withnail :P ,,,,,heres goodbye to lsf,,,,,,Oss. :clapping:


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Well my black treacle is bubbling away at correct temp,il be adding the essence in a few mins, now my question is my plants are only 3 weeks old will it be ok to spray them esp with 15ml or 13ml of maxicrop in the mix ? il be spraying in roughly 12 to 13 hrs , will i leave them in the dark with xtraction n intake on and turn off osc fan,,,? Oss. :wink: lol

e2a;didnt look at post 453 n 454 for seedlings il dilute the final mix, :doh:

Edited by old skool stoner
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Well i have 1 more question, ive got a non ionic wetting agent for improving penetration and uptake of foliar feed etc etc,? well cud i use that in the mix and add it just wen im pouring the brew in to the killa spray ? and at wat rates 1ml a litre,? thoughts anybody,,,Oss. :unsure:

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Well after the essence brewing for just over 12hrs i mixed everything up according to Pro.Ls,guide ,and just sprayed all my young plants very very good every nook n crannie top of leaf under leaf,stems,the lot,well its my 1st time using this Essence and the granules n rootgrow,well il be back later to let yis no how my plants are,regards everybody who made this thread possible and to Webby for his Essence,,,,,,Oss. :rofl: ,there a pic of the plants 2 days ago there the 1s i treated. :wink:


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Reckon that should do you a treat OSS :rofl:

The essence sorted out my LSF totally although I did spray them again just before going into flower to make sure.I try to do this every gorw now and haven't seen anything in the way of LSF since :rofl:

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what a fantastic thread. thought that i would express my thanks to a perfect example of what makes uk420 such a great resource. Also - being a newbie - i need to up my post count before I can PM Webby.

Thanks to felix for the topic and the great information - and many thanks to everybody else having contributed to such an informative thread. Briliant. :yep:

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Well heres a pic after they were sprayed up,and thanks for all the help Withnail m8,well there looking great even diff and better after the spray,well il drop back and report how im gettn on and my very 1st clones rooted in there root riots im well chuffed think il be looking for mums and build a small veg n mum box,,,regards and thanks everybody at 420, :) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Oss. :P



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Theres a pic of my brew after 12hrs brewn over nyte and wen i got up it was huge the bubbles i wiped some :ouch::blub: ,also some smell even after its dryed in to plants and my plants have improved all round even in color since i sprayed them,il be veggn theses reg beans till they show sex then spray them again and flip them into flower,regards,,,Oss. :):P:(



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well after treating my plants with Essence and the granules at potting up,my plants are doing great and the roots are snow white and thick and all over the compost,thanks Webby,Withnail,Felix,and Pro L,and evrybody who helped make this possible and accessible to buy,heres a pic of my roots at 32 days young in a 5ltr pot,today then potted to 11ltr pot,oh it is a female :spliff: :spliff: lol ,,,,,regards,,,Oss. :smoke:


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