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Trichoderma Harzianum & Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizas

Felix Dzerzhinsky

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Felix Dzerzhinsky
felix have you ever used or no were i could get some protozoa. i know they have been used in America for a while .also you ever herd any aame, although i think this is another name for the blubbering that we do. i think these have been used quite a lot in America and are slowly making there way over here


Hi Gotdagreen,

Not heard of either but always interested to find out something new. American growers have access to many more inoculants and bio-products than we do in Europe :stoned: and they do take an unseemly time to make it over here :wink:

A good compost tea may well have protozoa in it but you'd need a small microscope to be sure.

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so do you know what protozoa are because i haven't seen any mention of protozoa or aame (actively aerated microbial extracts ). i am not aware if you can just go out and buy protozoa ??

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when bacteria consume nitrogen it becomes stable, when the bacteria dies or is eaten the nitrogen is released and in a plant available form. also because a lot of this activity happens in the rhizosphere it is right where the plant wants it, Protozoa eat bacteria. bubble grass cuttings, straw or the like for 2-3 days and you`ll have a good amount of protozoa to apply as a root drench. all these beneficials will be present in a good compost so if you made a tea you will be supplying it all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well its my 3rd time reading thread and ive got some Essence its Webbys and a friend on here posted me some thanks again,also have root grow , rootgrow plus and rootgrow rootfood, and maxicrop and molasses, also ive 16 liitle uns started in root riots they showed there heads a few days ago,i want to pot up tomorow ,help please wat do i do or wat to use and how,also got my new beans today,FDs POG,,,and HGF Trainwreck,i popped 2 pogs tonight in small sq pots with bnq seedling and cutting compost ,thats wat i intend using to pot up the root riots into tomorow in 3cm pots is that compost ok or get westlands with added ji,,well any help please on wat to use and many thanks to all who made this thread available its mind blowing to say the least,,,regards all,,,,OSS. :oldtoker:


Edited by felix_dzerjinski
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Well heres a better pic of Webbys ,Essence ,and my beans, :oldtoker: ,so really wanna do these proud,so any help on how i should use what i have and wat amounts and wen,many thanks all at 420,,,,OSS. :blub:

e2a,,,anybody feel free to pm me with insructions on how and wen to use and how much to use ,the products ive got and maxicrop etc included,well :rofl: :wink: with the fruits of my recent harvest.


Edited by old skool stoner
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here is a very quick and dirty answer;

VAMs for helping root growth and mineral absorbtion. I sprinkle some around the root zone when transpalnting

bacterial innoculants for fighting bad microbes...best if mixed with molasses or honey and then bubbled 12-24 hours before use.

Trics...several species here and they are usually mixed in with the VAMs and/or bacterial guys so I don't concern myself with them. One of these (read this thread from the beggining) is supposed to be good for LSF, something we don't get (it seems) here in the states. Tric is also found in coir products (except for steam pressed/molded bricks). I use coir fiber in me compost and coir chucks for mulch. Works a charm! :D

The person you want to ask is Felix (obviously) or OT1 if he's available (usually not). They are the resident experts on this stuff from what I have seen.

Good luck!

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just a quick fact for you, a tea spoon of good soil has 20,000 - 30,000 different type of bacteria that make up the billion present in it.

now if thats a fact, am i lying?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well il be innoculating my plants this monday il be 18 days in veg and ive already added rootgrow n the granules also have some essence powder i know how to make the brew as Pro.L,advice and was reading u can apply the esence powder to roots how do u do this and how much , i presume u add it to water ?,any help appreciated,,,regards,,,Oss. :)

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when I was adding micro herd powders to me plants that had already been transplanted, I just added a wee amount of powder to the watering can and water as usual.

To be real hardcore about it add some maxicrop to the water at the same times and some molasses as well. Apparently the bacterial innoculant side of the herd wants to (needs to?) be activated and this happens when you bubble the herd with molasses. The maxicrop is for herd (VAM's) feeding as well.

I've found that some of the micro herds I get here in the states comes premixed with glucose. I suspect it is for the same purpose as the bubbled molasses (to feed the herd).

Details can be found further upstream in this pinned topic.

eta: Might be time for me to reread this topic!

Edited by Randalizer
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The water is a carrier for the bacteria / fungi or whatever, bubbling with molasses or whatever increases the amount of life in the brew so it would be beneficial to do so. I don't know what's in the essence but if it contains mycorrhzial fungi then it should be added just as your about to water because the bubbling may break the fungal hyphae plus it needs to reach the roots quickly as it's the root exudates that mycorrizia live on

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Well didnt get around to making my brew,,,Felix or P,L,, i was wondering can u water the essence in , instead of making up the brew,if i can water in, how much essence to a litre or 6 litre watering can,,,,,looking for a lazy way out,if i cant il be brewing,,,,,regards,,Oss. :blub::crybaby:lol:taz:

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AFAIK OSS it will only work watering it in if you have already bubbled it up :wink:

Alryte there Withnail well have everything looks like im brewing, now after ive added everything , do i bubble the essence powder in there for 12hrs or add it after the 12 hrs of molasses n maxicrop bubbling or add with those,il be spraying in the morning,as out for the day,well look forward to hearing back,regards ,,,Oss. :smug:

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Felix Dzerzhinsky

Here you go OSS, complete instructions with pictures.

Click Me


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Just a quick question about the application of Essence to seedlings.

I've planted seedlings with a little of the Granules mixed with compost. I was going to add essence this week at watering. I've used PL's guidelines before and will do that again, but should I cut well back on the Maxicrop and Molasses for little seedlings ? Maybe just bubble a dab of Essence with 1/4 strength sugary and seaweedy goodness ?

Cheers all

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