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Trichoderma Harzianum & Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizas

Felix Dzerzhinsky

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Thanks Felix, I thought that may be the case, always nice to have expert corfirmation tho' :)

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hay everyone,

So I'm excited. Today I try adding a nute that has trich and vam's in it (and hummic acid) to my soil mix. The nute mix was something I was looking for in addition to the VAM's and trich so a big win there.

I've also got some pure powders, SubCulture by general hydro and Chappys Power Organic Root Booster. This will be used to water my fresh cuttings and will be added to my tea blend for the weekly feedings.

I'll post results and thanks everyone for all the great info. Got to run, tea time and then some gardening! :clapping:

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so I've transplanted 5 last week and 4 this week into flower using the new soil mix and adding the trich and VAM powders to the root zone (of the receiving pot). Granted this is nothing at all of a scientific study (waaaay to many variables). I've also started adding said powders to my fert/tea solution (my Jedi are on 9 to 10 week flower cycles, tea applications start week 4 and end week 7). And my cuttings got a very small dose of powder in their water.

The nice thing about a SOG system is that I transplant 4-7 plants every week. That leaves a lot of room to experiment. If I kill a few off, I have more coming as long as I don't kill the Mom's. The compost mix that i use now has been a long work in progress.

cheers! :unsure:

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hi peeps i just wondered if anyone has any more suggestions on fighting this lsf i have benn spraying the girls with a mixture of canna aktrivator, advanced nutes "piranha" and ANs tarantula. At first it seemed that it was working but had a close inspection last night and found some of the dreaded rusty spots again :( I will be spraying them again tomorrow as i have been treating them every 7 days but wondered what else i could do. Any help would be appreciated. By the way i am growing in nft tanks with 6 air cooled lights a massive amount of extraction and plenty of air coming in. So far i have tryed ozone generators,a sulfume hotbox and various fungicides. thx in advance for any suggestions.

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Felix Dzerzhinsky

I'm with Bajer on this one. If you've tried the Sulfume Hotbox and fungicides following the manufacturers instructions and neither worked it's really unlikely you have a fungal infection. Either of those on it's own would sort out most infections we'll ever see.

Piranha & Tarantula are primarily for the root zone, Essence contains phylloplane bacteria and Trichoderma species that will populate the leaf surfaces inhibiting pathogenic microbes from getting a foothold.

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I'm with Bajer on this one. If you've tried the Sulfume Hotbox and fungicides following the manufacturers instructions and neither worked it's really unlikely you have a fungal infection. Either of those on it's own would sort out most infections we'll ever see.

Piranha & Tarantula are primarily for the root zone, Essence contains phylloplane bacteria and Trichoderma species that will populate the leaf surfaces inhibiting pathogenic microbes from getting a foothold.

thanks for the replies but i have definately used both of the above to the instructions to no avail and i know what you meen about ph because ive experianced problems with the leaves before when i have had a low ph. These symptons are much more severe and eventually are killing the plants it starts with the typical rust spots and then the whole plant lightens in color till all the fan leaves die and the plant is just left with the small leaves around the buds sometimes they die other times they make it till harvest time but have a severely low yeild.I have tried getting through to webby by pming him but he hasnt replied to me, i think i may have spooked him by my contstant attempts to alert him to my plight through the forums when i couldnt use the pm system for some reason :yep:

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Great thread thanks to all ,well im having probs with lsf im just 19 days in flower,and ive got some of webbys essence thru a member friend on here,thanks for that, :wink: ,well can i use it this far into flower,i kno Pro Liberate,says it can be used ryte up too harvest,and dont want to go spraying unless i kno forsure,keeping it green,,,Oss. :yinyang:

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Felix Dzerzhinsky


Yep you can use it right up to harvest but if you've only got a week or so to go I wouldn't bother. 19 days into flower will be no problem at all :rofl:

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Yep you can use it right up to harvest but if you've only got a week or so to go I wouldn't bother. 19 days into flower will be no problem at all :nea:

Goodmorning to you Felix.D ,thanks for that reply,just what i needed to hear,well its off to get blackstrap molasses,have maxi crop ,and a wetting agent and most importantly Essence,jugs and airstones ,have everything else,il be doing sum mixing and a bubbling,and then its game over lsf,il be back to report on progress and pics,keeping it green,,,best regards Oss. :rofl:

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How do folks! :spliff:

So I transplanted some cuttings today (from tiny start plugs to 1 gal buckets). There has been a definite, almost dramatic increase in root mass! Since I don't add anything at all to the compost mix I use for me cuttings, this was a real test of the micro herd. Following is the names of the two products I am using and what they have in them.

I'm very excited! The plants that went to the flowering room don't show any dramatic improvement yet, but is yet early to tell. Those plants got the same treatment (a dusting around the root zone) as the cuttings as well as some fert with fungi mixed in. That fert with myco powders is noted about 6 posts ahead of this


Sub Culture by General Hydroponics (a "Specialty Nutrient & Root Innoculant")


Bacillus subtilis

B lichentiformis

B megaterium

B pumulis


Streptomyces lydicus

S griseus

Psudeomonas fluorescence

Trichderma harzianum

1% natural sugar (derived from glucos)

Chappys Organics Root Booster (a "Myco Innoculant")

Endo mychorrhizal spores

Glomas brazilianium

G clarum

G deserticola

G monosporus

G intraradices

G mosseae

Gigaspora margarita

(some of these names :smoke: )

Ectomycorrhizal spores

Lacarria laccta

L bicolor

Pisolithus tinctorious

Rhizopogon fulvigleba

R rubscens

R villosuli

Sclreoderma cepa

S citrinum

8% hummic acid (from Leonardite)

yippee! Thanks everyone!

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So now I'm starting to notice (I'm a bit slow at times) that my cuttings are much more healthy and robust looking. It seems like they are finally getting the nutrient uptake they have been lacking all along.

In addition I think that my babies may be ready to transplant sooner than before. Because my root development was so slow and pokey I was letting them stay in their original cutting plugs for up to 5 weeks! :ouch: I think I can cut this back to three weeks and if that is the case then the myco powders are a huge win on many fronts. And so damn easy to use!!!

I'll take pictures of the cuttings, to be transplanted early, when I transplant them as well and this can be compared with earlier cutting pictures earlier in my diary.

Thanks again folks! :ninja:

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I just transplanted some veg to 3 gal pots for flowering. DRAMATIC increase in root structure! :unsure: I can't wait to see what the roots are like after getting micro herd treatment from start to finish!

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Chile Head

And here's yet another big shout-out to the folks who have contributed to this fantasticly real thread, both in the asking and replying, but esp. to OT1, Felix D and Arbie et-al - read the whole thing start to current in an evening and afternoon, and am happy to say it has all been right on my level - a total joy to read and digest!

Been looking at using innocs. since I first read some of OT1's older posts on the matter(s) some time last year, and now having just recently started my 1st venture into hydro (Amazon), and had disaster-after-disaster hit me with the temps and other issues, decided to see what I could do with the clever little folks.

Got me some Trich. (Canna AKTr), mixed up in a little w'can with fine rose (bugger blocked almost immediately damnit! Glad I didn't try and use my pump-up spray :unsure:!), and 1st gave the leaves a good coating, then the roots, saved the rest. Also got Bio-pac - got the liquid version even though both that and the powder were available, since my budget had just quit at that point, and some Rootgrow (Plus). Now I realise RG is really for dirt etc. but figured I'd have a try - sprinkled some into each net pot, then gently watered through to the roots with the leftover Trich. mix and some Bio-Pac. Next, added some BP and RG granules directly to the res.

Pumps have been turned off, as have the HPS lights, just leaving 4 x 20W CFs off to the side keeping a little light going.

Will see how things go from here on in!

I had started to keep a diary here, but I have been having the biggest nightmare ever with this grow (all roots turned brown, clumped into a long, SOLID column, and general looked like hell, although the plants looked fairly helathy above albeit very slow growing, with as yet no lower stem damage suggesting pyth. had gotten to them and spread that far), and have just not had the heart to keep it up. If things start to improve, I will however return to it and post my results.

Be well folks and please - KEEP THE KNOWLWEDGE FLOWING!!!


e2a re: Trich powder application - thinking that next time I do a foliar with this stuff, I'll first just mist plants with water as I usually do, then using a puffer-bottle, will dust the stuff onto both upper and lower leaf surfaces, hoping it will adhere to the fine water droplets there, see if this works better!

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