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Trichoderma Harzianum & Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizas

Felix Dzerzhinsky

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Davey Jones
EM2, no offense mate but I'd leave the fish mix out of it,

None taken, we had this conversation I had forgotten about that!!!!!

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Hi guys

wow that was alot of reading! Alot of information to take in contained in this and a few other threads. Can I just check i've got this right?

so i will need



Canna Trichoderma

Seawed extract

will I also need molasess (black treacle I think)?

To apply these

Rockdust is mixed with my compost, not sure on amounts (allmix)

when planting/ potting on I put a few handfuls covering the inside of the hole I'll be putting the plant in

Watered in with a seaweed extract solution per it's instructions

then the trichoderma mixed in very small amounts with water as a foliar spray, possibly a few days later?

the molasess is applied during flowering, as to how I prepare it and apply I'm still looking into that.

how does that sound? If someone could please have a look over and point out any errors I'd be grateful.

Also is rootgrow + ok to use instead of regular rootgrow? I don't think it will but would be nice to know for sure.

I'd like to say thanks to everyone for all the information in this thread esp felix and ot1, made very interesting reading. And a special congrats to Felix for work on DIY trichoderma you mad scientist you!



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Pro ,

you are a true gentleman and a scholar :D

Thats is a fantastic informative explanation, and im about to copy it word for word.

Thankyou my friend ;)

I will be using BioLife as my essence though....will this be ok?

cheers , and thanks again



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Also is rootgrow + ok to use instead of regular rootgrow? I don't think it will but would be nice to know for sure.

Yes its fine to use it contains a few extra species of mychorizal fungi that associate most strongly with either coniferous or large broard leaved trees, but these will either be benificial or be outcompeted and die off. I have been using rootgrow plus on my plants with perfectly good results.

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here it is my first post!

good interesting thread this!! i only got to page 4 or 5 and my brain imploded! i thought id add my bit as ive messed about with trichoderma and the like.

ad nutes` tarantula `is a good foliar spray for yu buds, i had some bud rot and this stuff saved my crop! piranha is good also, but really if your growing organicly you dont really need to use them, make a good old compost tea and save your bucks!! feed the soil and let the soil feed your plants. worm castings, bat guano and good quality composts are a good source of beneficial microbes. try `raking` the top of your soil add some mulch of some sort or just molasses in water, your soil if its good should be riddled with all things nice just feed them, bring it to life. be sure to let your water stand for 24hrs to let the chlorine out or itll kill most of the microbes before you start!

forgive my interuption and spelling!!


I Zimbra

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Hi and welcome to uk420 I Zimbra :)

- no need to apologise, you're not interrupting

Isn't Trichoderma amazing :yep: Read through the rest of the thread when your brain recovers, it's all interesting stuff (know what you mean about fungal thread related brain implosion :P )


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi fungi folks, Its taken me all week but Ive read through this topic from start to finish and I think I have a plan on how Im gonna tackle the LSF in my growroom. Thanks to all the contributers especially Felix for his tireless research, and for directing me over to this thread (I was wallowing over in the sick plants forum for ages :D )

Im 7 weeks into flower and my 3 surviving girls all look absolutley fooked, I took cuts just before going 12/12 and only one clone has survived - during her 7 week veg she has grown about 2/3 inches and as still not ready to pot up!

So the plan is to start again from scratch, Ive already got some feminised seeds from joolz (thanks for the quick service!), some rootgrow,JI seedling compost(loam/peat based) and some seaweed extract, I still need to get some Essence (PM'd Webby yesterday) some mollases and an airstone (gonna follow Pro libertate's excellent Brew making guide -Thanks Pro!)

So, does this sound like a good plan? :stoned:

1- Clean/disinfect growroom thoroughly (using bleach maybe?)

2- Germinate seedlings as normal (papertowel method) when planting add a bit of rootgrow to the hole 1st then water in using seaweed extract (2/3 ml per liter?)

3- After a week or 2 of growth (when they hopefully have some leaves!) make up some Essence brew, treat my girls thoroughly (leaves and drench compost) use any leftovers to treat other plants around my house.

4- Each time I pot up add a bit of rootgrow, water in with seaweed extract

5- Repeat Essence brew every week or 2 (depending on rustspots :spliff: )untill 3rd/4th week of flower

6- Hope that every thing turns out OK!!

Does this sound about right?

I belive that the Essence contains benneficial bacteria and fungi, is this correct, or do I need to add anything else to my shopping list?

Sorry for all the questions but this is the last grow I will be doing before I move to pastures greener (where I will be setting up my dream growroom!!) and I would like it to be a good grow -like those hazy days when I 1st stumbled upon this site!

Thanks in advance for any helpful replies you guys can come up with.

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Felix Dzerzhinsky

Hi Dave,

Quick answer as we're just about to start getting dinner together and I'll answer fully after. You've pretty much covered the basics there, follow Pro's instructions and you won't go wrong.

I'll step through your points after we've eaten later.


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Felix Dzerzhinsky

Thanks Dave,

Mrs D is an excellent cook and that feels much better :yep: . Dinners done and a glass of Armagnac is slowly warming :) Your plans sounds pretty good, a thorough clean will help tremendously, not sure which is best Citrofresh or bleach :clapping: either will do the job I'd imagine. Tea Tree might also be a good choice ?

The Essence (from Webby) does indeed contain a mix of beneficial bacteria and mycoparasitic (parasitise other fungi) Trichoderma species that will protect your plant from fungal and some bacterial infections. They will generally not spread to new growth as our grow rooms are too dry so if you have persistent fungal issues you will need to reapply every few weeks to protect new growth.

I wouldn't use the seaweed extract till the plants are at least 3 to 4 weeks old or you may burn them.

Spot on with the RootGrow at each potting up :D you can also mix in a little of the Essence with the RootGrow to populate the roots with the same beneficial bacteria and Trichoderma species. Trichoderma generally prefer the root zone but these species will survive on leaves if not exposed to UV, some of the bacteria in Essence will fix nitrogen and other solubilise phosphorous. There is another inoculant Webby is selling as Granules this is very similar to RootGrow but contains Essence already mixed in, it's very good, however RootGrow is just fine.

If I've left anything out just let me know :yep:

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hi DangerousDave,

Sounds about right to me mate :clapping: I'm just potting up now and doing pretty well exactly as you describe

Only thing I'd add is Rockdust mixed into the compost. In my limited understanding Rockdust with its abundance of microelements helps the fungus to feed and in turn to feed the plant. There's lotsa info on Rockdust in the Organic forum, maybe in this thread but I'm out of it and cant remember exactly :D

If my understanding of what Rockdust does needs correcting, comrade felix will be along after his tea :yep:

All the best mate, hope you get your dream grow :yep:


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Fantastic thread, thanks to all that have spent so much time on helping us fellow growers,, much kudos and respect B)

ill trying the method outlined in here for sure B)



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I'm currently using David austins Rootgrow mycorrhizal funghi on my current crop. First time using this stuff and I can say I'm very impresed so far.I've got about eight weeks to go and I've just culled the males in my room .The rootball Is more developed than normal and the ladies are absolutly thriving.

I can't wait to see the end result.....roll on two months

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Flowery Haze

Hey felix,

I started reading this thread and got to the few pics you posted in Sep07 nute burn ones. Im using rootgrow too and have for a few months. I noticed that if i gave my plants any type of feed that they burned exactly the same as your pics. .

Too much for me to read the entire thread... what conclusion did you come to in the end ?

Many thanks


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