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Trichoderma Harzianum & Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizas

Felix Dzerzhinsky

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Felix Dzerzhinsky


You could try ordering Trichomic from AMC Chemical, they claim it's several species of Trichoderma.

As a side note, a friend of mine recently reported that he'd used T-22 to successfully treat an aerial fungal infection on his plants. He activated the T-22 in the normal way and gave the plants 3 applications, apparently this cleared up the infection on the leaves entirely and he was left with just a couple of dead spots of tissue on the leaves.

I was initially somewhat skeptical as T. Harzianum isn't normally considered a phylloplane fungi but I saw some research recently where T-22 is being used in Carnations to protect them from fungal attack down in the crown of the plants. Apparently T-22 flourishes there because it is protected from UV. Now most of our grow rooms don't have any UV in them at all or possibly very low levels of UVA when we are running MH, so T-22 could quite likely establish on leaf surfaces and provide our plants with protection from lsf, etc.

If supplemented with a Streptomyces griseoviridis based product like Mycostop I think we could have a fairly robust defense against fungal attack.

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Guest dr rockster

Felix I know you sent me a pm re Tricho. preparation but I've deleted the thing :stoned: and I don't have time to wade through stuff to find it,any chance you could help me cut to the chase please?

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How much does it cost? Rootgrow is about £3.50 or summat.

was meant to be £4.50 but the growshop woman made a mistake with the adding up and it ended up costing about a quid :stoned:

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You could try ordering Trichomic from AMC Chemical, they claim it's several species of Trichoderma.

As a side note, a friend of mine recently reported that he'd used T-22 to successfully treat an aerial fungal infection on his plants. He activated the T-22 in the normal way and gave the plants 3 applications, apparently this cleared up the infection on the leaves entirely and he was left with just a couple of dead spots of tissue on the leaves.

I was initially somewhat skeptical as T. Harzianum isn't normally considered a phylloplane fungi but I saw some research recently where T-22 is being used in Carnations to protect them from fungal attack down in the crown of the plants. Apparently T-22 flourishes there because it is protected from UV. Now most of our grow rooms don't have any UV in them at all or possibly very low levels of UVA when we are running MH, so T-22 could quite likely establish on leaf surfaces and provide our plants with protection from lsf, etc.

If supplemented with a Streptomyces griseoviridis based product like Mycostop I think we could have a fairly robust defense against fungal attack.

Nice one mate :spliff: I'm not gonna buy it if it's from the states but I will look into that Trichomic product.

I take it the T-22 is what we get in the canna product?

I just sprayed this all over my plants last time but I think am gonna get me a pump and airstone for next time and get bubbling.

I've got this stuff growing on my walls behind my bed :wink:. It must be from when I sprayed it on my plants in december. I guess this is already activated since it's growing. Might just scrape some of the wall and give em a mist with it.

Not many peeps can say they got their own trichoderma harzianum factory in their bedroom :wink:.

Cheers again mate for the great info!


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Felix Dzerzhinsky

Sorry to disappoint Wiz but that's not likely to be Trichoderma as they generally only grow on living or decomposing matter rather than brick work or plaster.

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OMG ya kiddin me! I'm just a dirty **** with mould growing on the wall then :rofl:. I'll get it cleaned off in the morn when lights come on. :unsure:

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Anyone know where I can purchase Trichodex?

It's suppost to be a commercial formulation of T. harzianum T39.


You could try ordering Trichomic from AMC Chemical, they claim it's several species of Trichoderma.

I cant find anywhere that is actively selling trichodex or trichomic anywhere and I dont mind where in the world it comes from, I noticed that AMC are based in France and I have emailed them ... if I can get some at a reasonable price I will. I think they sell it by the litre lets hope its not as expensive as Canna Aktrivator at £10 per 10grams otherwise that litre will be around a £1000 :stoned:

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  • 4 weeks later...
How much does it cost? Rootgrow is about £3.50 or summat.

recomended retail price is £2.99 in garden centres for the sachet this will treat about 15 10cm pots at recomended application rates.

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Just thought i'd mention this as this is an organic forum, T hazianum strain T22 is technically a genitically modified organism. I believe it was produced by US gov scientists some years ago now. I'm not knocking the product but someone told me this recently and i thought i'd pass it on.

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Felix Dzerzhinsky

I was under the impression it was isolated in Isreal :wink: but I wouldn't swear to that. Here's a couple of quotes from the EPA (Ok it is the American government I know)

Trichoderma harzianum Rifai Strain T-22 is a naturally occurring fungus that is used to protect crops and seeds from various fungi that cause plant diseases
Trichoderma harzianum Rifai StrainT-22 is a naturally occurring fungus found in soil.

Would you know what modification was performed on it ? I mean like I could personally live with some minor modifications but if we're talking major genetic shennaigans I'd be less happy using it on my weed.

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Hi Felix,

have you had a chance to try out the innoculants yet?, i'm waiting till my next grow starts as i still have to find Rockdust, Maxicrop and the Blackstrap Mollasses, still to get an air stone and pump as well(but i'll get them from local pet shop easily enough), i found a wetting agent for applying the trichoderma powder through the pump up sprayer but thought i'd ask you first if it's any good before thinking of buying it, it's called 'Wet Betty' by Advanced Nutrients, do you know if it's any good? :doh: , peace, Baz :smug:

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Felix Dzerzhinsky

Hi Bazza,

Rockdust is available from either Pinetum or the Organic Catalogue, Maxicrop you can find in most garden centres or online and you can use Billingtons Mollasses available in Sainsbury's, Tesco and all other leading supermarket chains :rofl: . I wouldn't use a wetting agent with these, just spray on with a coarse setting under low pressure.

Just recently I had some thrips which brought a rather vigorous leaf fungus into my flower room. It started at the tips of the leaves and then rapidly spread across the whole leaf killing it within a week. Couldn't use systemic controls this late in flower.

I treated it with two applications of T-22 and an inoculant that Webby is now selling. This contains a mix of bacteria and trichoderma and can be used on both leaves and roots. It needs to be activated with molasses and seaweed extract but really does the business. This leaf was treated and the infection stopped dead in it's tracks. Although the infected area has died the rest of the leaf has remained healthy and continues to photosynthesise.


A couple of leaves heavily attacked by thrips and then fungus showing how the infection would normally progress without treatment.


I can now partially answer the question first posed in this thread. I've been speaking to several technical folk who make the range of inoculants I use and they do mix Trichoderma with Arbuscular Mycorrhizas in their root inoculant (see Webby again) as they feel that in a healthy balanced microbial community no one species will become dominant and a threat to the other species. I'm going to follow this up but if they are mixing them together in their formulation the two can't be that antagonistic, perhaps it is all about balance.

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