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Trichoderma Harzianum & Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizas

Felix Dzerzhinsky

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Hi Felix

- Afraid I'm no closer to answers as yet. I don't have a science background (let alone a formal background in phytology) but I'm fascinated by this and will continue to truffle through the research - loads of it's way above my head but patient reading/ re-reading's opening up whole worlds.

As far as I can grasp it some research did suggest that Trichoderma can inhibit hypha length on VAM fungi in controlled trials. Will search for a reference on that when I get a minuit if it's helpful.

One thing that's abundantly clear is that Trichoderma and VAM fungal research is not just or primarily about cannabis growing - Fungal innoculants like Trichoderma spp are used in agriculture quite widely as I understand it: the International Mycorrhiza Society talk about the benefits to 'agriculture, horticulture and forestry'.

As to the specific question of possible hostile interactions betwwen VAM fungi and Trichoderma,

I'm right behind you down the rabbit hole mate, chasing the question :unsure:


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Felix Dzerzhinsky

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Having read through the paper mention in Post 240 it criticises the methods of the previous researcher Rousseau and hints that's why she obtained possibly incomplete results :D

Heads spinning a bit at the moment so I'm not going to read any more tonight. Bongs and research don't always mix :stoned:

e2 add:

Opps nearly forgot, that paper raises the rather worrying possibility of host preferences for different species of AMF. Not sure what that means yet. ;)

Edited by felix_dzerjinski
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Hi Felix + All,

just noticed this thread for the first time last night and what a brilliant thread it is :) , after looking around i've managed to find a 2 litre pump up sprayer for £5.95 which seems like a bargain, just about to order the Trichoderma Powder today, will order the rootgrow soon also but couldn't find a source that sells rockdust and mollasses (not sure which 1 to get?), the thing i'm not sure about is - my plants are in there 2nd pot up already, i'll be growing them out till they show sex then take cuttings, is it worth me sourcing and buying the rockdust, rootgrow, mollases even although the plants are already growing in their 2nd pot up or should i just buy the Trichoderma Powder on it's own for this grow then sort everything else for next grow?, peace, Baz :shock:

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Hi Bazza

IMHO I'd get them now , they can't do any harm and that way you have them ready for your next grow.I'm not at all sure of timescales but I think your plants will begin utilise rootgrow/rockdust within a couple of weeks :rofl:

Mollasses you can get in most health shops and a fair few supermarkets.

Rockdust I couldn't source in less than 20kg bags unless I paid silly money, think it cost me £15 or so inc. delivery

Rockdust comes from two main suppliers I think, Seers and another, can't remember the name but its mentioned in this topic somewhere.They are both perfectly good although one is much finer than the other, apart from that no discernable differences for our needs I think :unsure:

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Hi withnail,

thanks man :rofl: , i'll go have a look for the rockdust, do you use the fine 1 or the course 1?, peace, baz :)

I have the Seers which I think is the more coarse mixture but I've not seen the Pinetum so can't compare lol

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lo all

thanks for this thread guys,help me loads and hav a little bit more understandin of fungus now ;)

been fightin with this for 6 weeks now and to b honest its gettin the better of my chronic :)

so of to mellow i went with my shoppin list,richard was in(this guys helped me when i was a newbie)

and i can say he never did me wrong,not seen him for years,so a big smile came on my face :rofl:

he was well happy with the pot mix,but sprayin the aktrivator on the leaf was a no

use it in the root zone only he said

ive sprayed it 3 times in the last 2 week and not seen much change(could he b right?)

then his advice was to lower the humidity more air movment,which i hav done a week ago

and spray with pk 13-14,as this is the best fungal fighter we can spray on our leaf

and not many ppl now this

just wonderin what u guys think


thanks again guys for the thread,FANTASTIC

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Felix Dzerzhinsky

Spraying PK13/14 onto your leaves will possibly result in the death of any organism unlucky enough to be caught in the spray but it's not something I've heard of before or would advise doing. I do know it will kill much of the micro herd if you use it in compost.

T. Harzianum can be sprayed onto leaves but it really depends on what strain you have T-22 which is in Canna Aktrivator is ideally suited to the rhizosphere and naturally grows on the outside of roots, penetrating just the first few cell layers of the roots. Rather surprisingly T-22 does confer immunity to diseases and boosts the plants internal defense mechanisms by secreting certain anti fungal and anti bacterial chemicals which the plant can use to fight disease or energise it's own immunity. Presumably the T. Harzianum does this to protect it's own environment down on the roots.

There is another strain of T. Harzianum, T-39 that does naturally live on leaf surfaces and that would be more beneficial for our purposes but I haven't located anywhere that markets T-39 yet.

There are or were a range of inoculants you can sometimes get that will populate the leaf and root surfaces with a healthy community of bacteria and helpful fungi that can stop pathogens establishing themselves but these can be breached by sap sucking insects like thrips.

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just read the thread.

amazing stuff but most of its way over my head.

anyway i have a problem that i think has been covered in the thread already but as i said its a bit over my head.

i have used canna(i think) trichoderma(in the little white pot) for a while with no problems but this time before i put my cuts in to root i pre soaked the soil with rhizotonic.

the cuts rooted brilliantly and i was really pleased. then when i potted up and watered in with trichoderma the plants have been getting these brown patches on the leaves and it looks like its dead leaf.

has this happened to anyone else?

should i be worried?

what should i do?


will try to post pics later if that helps.

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what should i do?

Don't use rhizotonic next time lol , and I always wait for a decent root system before applying Trichoderma but its shouldn't hurt.


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Felix Dzerzhinsky

Trichoderma won't cause infection in canna, it needs to protect it's host to carry on it's own lifecycle. Trichoderma is an infection in commercial mushroom growing apparently :wink:

Pop one of the plants out and check it roots.

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hello there felix,

i went down to my local grow shop last week to get some of this root grow stuff but they didnt sell it, what they did sell was this stuff called Root-1, ive used it already and its some good shit.

has anybody else used this stuff? if not why not?!?!

and this Trichoderma stuff is looking to be doing good aswell.



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