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Trichoderma Harzianum & Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizas

Felix Dzerzhinsky

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You have cleared things up for me there felix, Iam getting my AKTrivator friday (hopefully)

Do you just mix the spores with the rootgrow dry

in the planting hole

Pot on plant




can't find a reponse to E M 2's question .. i'm only applying to the compost (as in when i water my plants) not the foilage so am keen to understand completely ... when you talk about bubbling your bacteria are you talking about the rootgrow :(lol .. cos i just sprinlkled the rootgrow in the base when i potted on .. have got hold of the trich powder that i am going to apply next water .. i usually only feed mollasses in bloom but should i add some to activate the rootgrow ?? ;) .. i am getting confused now .. altho that ain't too difficult lol:rofl:

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You have cleared things up for me there felix, Iam getting my AKTrivator friday (hopefully)

Do you just mix the spores with the rootgrow dry

in the planting hole

Pot on plant




can't find a reponse to E M 2's question .. i'm only applying to the compost (as in when i water my plants) not the foilage so am keen to understand completely ... when you talk about bubbling your bacteria are you talking about the rootgrow :puke:lol .. cos i just sprinlkled the rootgrow in the base when i potted on .. have got hold of the trich powder that i am going to apply next water .. i usually only feed mollasses in bloom but should i add some to activate the rootgrow ?? :( .. i am getting confused now .. altho that ain't too difficult ;):rofl:

Hi smeagol.

No your right with the rootgrow, just sprinkle in into the hole where your repots will go so that the roots touch the rootgrow.

I use Cannas AKTrivator and just mix with water and spray onto the plants.

I'm not sure but I think scoobs is refering to a different inoculant that needs to be activated by bubbling with mollasses.So I don't think you need to activate the rootgrow with mollasses,sure someone will confirm though lol

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Guest Dr Benways Assistant
can't find a reponse to E M 2's question .. i'm only applying to the compost (as in when i water my plants) not the foilage so am keen to understand completely ... when you talk about bubbling your bacteria are you talking about the rootgrow :(lol .. cos i just sprinlkled the rootgrow in the base when i potted on .. have got hold of the trich powder that i am going to apply next water .. i usually only feed mollasses in bloom but should i add some to activate the rootgrow ?? ;) .. i am getting confused now .. altho that ain't too difficult lol:rofl:

Confusing stuff isn't it?

Yep rootgrow goes in bottom of pot when potting on, forget about it after that.

Spray trichoderma fungi straight on to foliage to protect against enemy type fungi on plant surface and soak into roots to do same there.

Molasses is used to feed the bacteria in the rootzone if you've put any there.

Think that's about as simple as I can put it.

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Hi smeagol.

No your right with the rootgrow, just sprinkle in into the hole where your repots will go so that the roots touch the rootgrow.

I use Cannas AKTrivator and just mix with water and spray onto the plants.

I'm not sure but I think scoobs is refering to a different inoculant that needs to be activated by bubbling with mollasses.So I don't think you need to activate the rootgrow with mollasses,sure someone will confirm though :rofl:


Yes, I should have been a bit clearer, shouldn't I?

I'm using 3 different products....

Bacterial Inoculant, this stuff is bubbled with an air stone in a bucket of water mixed with mollasses.

Trichoderma (This stuff is good for the leaves and roots) Sprinkle a little in the planting hole and I mean a little!

You mix it with plain water and water it in every couple of weeks no mollasses or anything water it in you only need a tiny bit.

Rootgrow Friendly Fungi

This is sprinkled in the planting hole at potting up time, this is the only time we use this.

All you need to do is sprinkle a small amount in so it comes into contact with the roots go sparing with it and it should last you for ages.

After you pot up and you have in the planting hole fungi and bacteria and a sprinkle of rockdust too it is good to water the pot with seaweed extract do you have any of this

Instructions courtesy of ElectricMan2 lol (thanks sparky!!!)

Hope this helps!

...don't worry, it confuses me too - I'm just following the instructions lol

good luck!


Edited by scoobs
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Hi smeagol.

No your right with the rootgrow, just sprinkle in into the hole where your repots will go so that the roots touch the rootgrow.

I use Cannas AKTrivator and just mix with water and spray onto the plants.

I'm not sure but I think scoobs is refering to a different inoculant that needs to be activated by bubbling with mollasses.So I don't think you need to activate the rootgrow with mollasses,sure someone will confirm though :wink:


Yes, I should have been a bit clearer, shouldn't I?

I'm using 3 different products....

Bacterial Inoculant, this stuff is bubbled with an air stone in a bucket of water mixed with mollasses.

Trichoderma (This stuff is good for the leaves and roots) Sprinkle a little in the planting hole and I mean a little!

You mix it with plain water and water it in every couple of weeks no mollasses or anything water it in you only need a tiny bit.

Rootgrow Friendly Fungi

This is sprinkled in the planting hole at potting up time, this is the only time we use this.

All you need to do is sprinkle a small amount in so it comes into contact with the roots go sparing with it and it should last you for ages.

After you pot up and you have in the planting hole fungi and bacteria and a sprinkle of rockdust too it is good to water the pot with seaweed extract do you have any of this

Instructions courtesy of ElectricMan2 :D (thanks sparky!!!)

Hope this helps!

...don't worry, it confuses me too - I'm just following the instructions ;)

good luck!


l love all this :gossip: .... it makes life so much easier being able to ask :yep::guitar::thumsup: :wink: .... so i'll ask another why not ... :rofl: ... where do i get this bacterial innoculant from please :unsure::(:yinyang:

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l love all this :gossip: .... it makes life so much easier being able to ask :rofl::guitar::thumsup: :wink: .... so i'll ask another why not ... :wink: ... where do i get this bacterial innoculant from please :unsure::(:yinyang:

Erm.... erm... dunno... it was gifted to me :yep:

But I'm sure that one of the gurus here can point you in the right direction!

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Another question ... can someone knock up a rough timetable so we know when to add these things, obviously rockdust goes into the compost before its used and maybe a sprinkle when potting up too, rootgrow goes in when potting up only. Canna trichoderma powder I can water in from when the plants are young seedlings and foliar spray too, so i do both of these every few weeks?

So now what sorta timetable should I be using for my remaining products : Biobizz Grow & Bloom, Maxicrop Seaweed Extract & Molasses? And what bacterial innoculent is recommend and when should this be used?

Im using westlands advanced plus, I vegged my chronic seedlings for 6 weeks and am 3 weeks into flower. I fed them with the seaweed extract in the last feed but they have had nothing else.

Edited by established1976
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Instructions courtesy of ElectricMan2 :spliff: (thanks sparky!!!)

No probs scoobs

I should of mentioned to just add the trichoderma to the slightly diluted mollasses mix its fine.

So are you growing your own trichoderma then scoobs?????

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Another question ... can someone knock up a rough timetable so we know when to add these things, obviously rockdust goes into the compost before its used and maybe a sprinkle when potting up too, rootgrow goes in when potting up only. Canna trichoderma powder I can water in from when the plants are young seedlings and foliar spray too, so i do both of these every few weeks?

So now what sorta timetable should I be using for my remaining products : Biobizz Grow & Bloom, Maxicrop Seaweed Extract & Molasses? And what bacterial innoculent is recommend and when should this be used?

Im using westlands advanced plus, I vegged my chronic seedlings for 6 weeks and am 3 weeks into flower. I fed them with the seaweed extract in the last feed but they have had nothing else.

Don't think even us stoners need a table for this one mate, it takes a while to get your head around then it all falls into place

Rootgrow only added at potting up time

Trichodera every couple of weeks in the compost as trichoderma doesn't fair well in peat, and also every couple of weeks the foliage so the new growth is covered.

Grow and bloom should be used as normal but in flowering, every couple of weeks we water in some mollasses and water to feed the microherd.

But only in flower I use my inoculant from the very start then reapply every so often don't know if I need to but I suppose it can't hurt.

Seaweed extract is used in veg at potting up times to activate the fungi (Not trichoderma) I don't use it while in flower as I have heard some who don't and some who do.



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Another question ... can someone knock up a rough timetable so we know when to add these things, obviously rockdust goes into the compost before its used and maybe a sprinkle when potting up too, rootgrow goes in when potting up only. Canna trichoderma powder I can water in from when the plants are young seedlings and foliar spray too, so i do both of these every few weeks?

So now what sorta timetable should I be using for my remaining products : Biobizz Grow & Bloom, Maxicrop Seaweed Extract & Molasses? And what bacterial innoculent is recommend and when should this be used?

Im using westlands advanced plus, I vegged my chronic seedlings for 6 weeks and am 3 weeks into flower. I fed them with the seaweed extract in the last feed but they have had nothing else.

Don't think even us stoners need a table for this one mate, it takes a while to get your head around then it all falls into place

Rootgrow only added at potting up time

Trichodera every couple of weeks in the compost as trichoderma doesn't fair well in peat, and also every couple of weeks the foliage so the new growth is covered.

Grow and bloom should be used as normal but in flowering, every couple of weeks we water in some mollasses and water to feed the microherd.

But only in flower I use my inoculant from the very start then reapply every so often don't know if I need to but I suppose it can't hurt.

Seaweed extract is used in veg at potting up times to activate the fungi (Not trichoderma) I don't use it while in flower as I have heard some who don't and some who do.



EM2 .. which innoculant do you use please ? .. :spliff:

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Instructions courtesy of ElectricMan2 :) (thanks sparky!!!)

No probs scoobs

I should of mentioned to just add the trichoderma to the slightly diluted mollasses mix its fine.

So are you growing your own trichoderma then scoobs?????

I am... it looks like a scene from the Lancashire Witches in here :D

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Good to see this thread alive today. Just about to bubble some innoculants to apply tommorrow. Could I ask how long it bubbled before foam appeared ?

Glad there's other people doing similarly strange things



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Good to see this thread alive today. Just about to bubble some innoculants to apply tommorrow. Could I ask how long it bubbled before foam appeared ?

Glad there's other people doing similarly strange things



24 hours there will be foam there as long as you added enough of the white stuff!!!!!!

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Felix Dzerzhinsky
hey Felix .. just had a thought .. i have a wormery and i mix my old plant compost into the worm casts that i have stored as i find the dry compo absorbs the moisture of the casts .. well obviously when doing this i incorporate the root system as well which led onto me thinking that if i have innoculated said roots they will be colonised and so when i use this mix for future grows will the new root system be innoculated ?? .. phew thats confused me a bit but i think it makes sense .. wot d'ya reckon? .. :yinyang:

Hi Smeagol.

There's a whole bunch of useful micro organisms in worm casts, if you can collect say 2 desert spoons of fresh wormcasts you could bubble that with molasses and any bacteria in there would begin going through a population explosion. 1/2 - 1 teaspoon of molasses per litre, can shot a little seaweed extract in as well if you have it and that will help any fungi, perhaps 1 - 2ml per litre. Play around with the doses to see what works best for you.

As for whether you are inoculating your roots I honestly don't know. Probably with bacteria but don't know on the fungi :spliff:

Hope that helps.

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