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Options ... what would you do if you were me?

Bud Wiser

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Ok, I've got 2 x Photoperiod Super Skunks growing in a large grow-pit (Mother Earth) inside my greenhouse.

They're both around 8 weeks old, having survived nutrient shock when I transplanted them into the ground. Long story short, I'd dug far too much 'nutrient' into the grow-pit over the last 2 years (wasn't used last year) and they were both showing signs of nitrogen toxicity very quickly ... one more than the other, no prizes for guessing which one!

I left the one on the left in the ground and just leached the soil, whereas the other I had to dig out and re-pot for 24 hours while I sorted the soil out, transplanting her again when it was done. Anyway, both are doing fine now:

2x super skunk side

2x super skunk top

From the breeder's info, they're supposed to be a short flowering span ... 45 / 50 days ... and they can grow quite tall.
I've never grown this strain before, so I haven't a clue when the expected harvest time is, or when she'll start going into full flower, any help on this would be gratefully received.
Now, here's my question 'what would you do if you were me?' ...
The large one on the left is the plant I'm going to relate to, the smaller one on the right I'm just leaving be.
And I've never cloned a plant before, but I have 'topped' one (out of necessity rather than choice!).
She's just started her alternate node growth as opposed to symmetrical, indicating the start of her flower growth period (so I've read):

node change

And I still have a spare slot in my growing pit:

spare slot

The options are:

1. take clones from the lower branches where they root faster, apparently ... but I've read this will force the plant into growing taller, which I don't want? And is there enough season left for these to be productive in an outdoor grow?

2. 'FIM' the tips. Never done before ... risky?

3. 'top' the plant, forcing the hormones back down into the lower branches and getting a better yield from them, whilst trying to root the 'top' (takes longer I've read) and transplant into the spare slot in my grow pit in a couple of weeks when she's taken. Again, will this work, and do I have enough time?

4. low stress training / bending ... don't take anything off her, as the hormone build-up to pre-pruning levels can take a month, and just start bending her over like a submissive bitch on a porn shoot? I have the equipment ...


And if so, when should I start the bending process ... ok to leave until she's a bit taller perhaps?
Any help / advice would be most welcome ... I know which one I'm personally steering towards, but if someone convinces me otherwise, I'm happy to give it a shot.
Bud Wiser :oldtoker:
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Personally I'd say you're a bit late to start rooting cuts, but as a bonus plant it might be worth doing one, if only to see what happens. I'd probably lst the bigger one, try and turn some lower airbud into some decent bud.

I'd be tempted to force flower them too, you may well encounter mould issues in a greenhouse later in the year.

Good luck dude.

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Hi I run sensi SS quite often and it's one that needs topping or lst'ing. Your looking at 2-3x size in flowering. As for the flowering they can go anywhere from 7-9 depending on pheno. Although the end product is all quite similar.

As for cuttings I'm not sure you'll have much of a chance to grow them out. But if your going to take the branches anyway then I can't see the harm.

Maybe lst them into the space

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Personally I'd say you're a bit late to start rooting cuts, but as a bonus plant it might be worth doing one, if only to see what happens. I'd probably lst the bigger one, try and turn some lower airbud into some decent bud.

I'd be tempted to force flower them too, you may well encounter mould issues in a greenhouse later in the year.

Good luck dude.

@@Captain Bonglington

I was thinking LST myself too, bend her over the front bar in the photo and train the lower branches to the back bar. Open her up, so to speak.

Good idea trying just one, see what happens .. good experience and it won't fuck with the plant too much. I'll give that a go.

No need to force flower (difficult without neighbours noticing a large tarpaulin being thrown over the greenhouse at 6pm every night!) ... I've got electricity, and this (he said, smugly):


I've had my fair share of fucking budrot thank you ... this thing's the dog's nuts. And should be at the price!
Thanks for your input dude, much appreciated.
Bud Wiser :oldtoker:
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Hi I run sensi SS quite often and it's one that needs topping or lst'ing. Your looking at 2-3x size in flowering. As for the flowering they can go anywhere from 7-9 depending on pheno. Although the end product is all quite similar.

As for cuttings I'm not sure you'll have much of a chance to grow them out. But if your going to take the branches anyway then I can't see the harm.

Maybe lst them into the space

@@The Horticulturist

Thanks for your valued experience with this strain ... topping or LST was my thinking too, she does look like a 'grower'!

Agreed with the time-frame ... might just take one and see what happens with her, good experience worth exploiting methinks.

Thanks for your input, much appreciated.

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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I'd go with option 3 mate, clones should grow quicker than a seed plant and being in the greenhouse you should get a decent amount of growth.

A couple of points to note, when the nodes start alternating, this is a sign of maturity. You may well be waiting another month or 2 before it starts flowering.

The other point is to always, where possible, lst away from the sun. this will let more light into the lowers and promote more growth there.

What ever you do, good luck with it and I'll be watching with interest :)

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I'd go with option 3 mate, clones should grow quicker than a seed plant and being in the greenhouse you should get a decent amount of growth.

A couple of points to note, when the nodes start alternating, this is a sign of maturity. You may well be waiting another month or 2 before it starts flowering.

The other point is to always, where possible, lst away from the sun. this will let more light into the lowers and promote more growth there.

What ever you do, good luck with it and I'll be watching with interest :)


Thanks for the input dude, appreciated.

The alternating nodes info I got from Jorge Cervantes' book, 'The Bible': Page 72, Life Cycle. "Asymmetrical branching occurs as plants grown from seed begin to flower".

I've just had this happen with a Super Lemon Haze Auto ... started alternate branching from seedling ! (poss. genetic fuckery tho' imho).

Another month or two until flowering is fine with me ... the bigger the better now, I've had poor to average results from my autos this year, with only one or two exceptions.

I'm still on the fence with the 'topping' option ... just seems a bit of a gamble, weather notwithstanding!

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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With auto's its a bit different mate, they flower as soon as they are mature. Photo's need to trigger from the light cycle tho, indoors is a lot different as you'd flip to 12/12 as they mature usually (not 100% on this).

If it was me, I'd just lst the fuck out of them, but that wasn't one of your options lol... have a look at what hazeworks does, he's the man at lst outdoors ;)

edit, I've not read the book, but I've read pretty much everything on here (outdoors) for the last 3 years. Most likely more relevent???

Edited by beezee
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With auto's its a bit different mate, they flower as soon as they are mature. Photo's need to trigger from the light cycle tho, indoors is a lot different as you'd flip to 12/12 as they mature usually (not 100% on this).

If it was me, I'd just lst the fuck out of them, but that wasn't one of your options lol... have a look at what hazeworks does, he's the man at lst outdoors ;)

edit, I've not read the book, but I've read pretty much everything on here (outdoors) for the last 3 years. Most likely more relevent???


I'm cool with autos, been growing them a few years now.

Alternate branching in an auto is unusual tho', they usually stay symmetrical throughout their life. They do alternate their bud sites at the top however.

LST was option 4, actually. There's a picture too.

If you haven't read or got a copy of 'The Bible' .. you should.

No offence, but I'd take Jorge Cervantes' advice over anyone's on any site, anywhere, anytime.

They even named a plant after him, dude!

First edition in 1983, fourth edition 432 pages of encyclopaedic brilliance. Banned in Australia.

However, you are right in as much as hands-on experience and one-to-one instruction from fellow UK growers is invaluable, and I'll certainly check out @@Hazeworks for some LST advice.

LST the fuck out of them it is, then.

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

Edited by Bud Wiser
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lol I was smoking some nice critical Jack earlier, obviously didn't manage to read your post properly... Option 4 please ha ha

I downloaded a few books that were recommended to me growing elite marijuana, the marijuana growers guide and the ultimate guide to growing marijuana. I've yet to start them but I'll get the bible for when there done.

I'll follow your diary, it's always good to see another greenhouse grow :)

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lol I was smoking some nice critical Jack earlier, obviously didn't manage to read your post properly... Option 4 please ha ha

I downloaded a few books that were recommended to me growing elite marijuana, the marijuana growers guide and the ultimate guide to growing marijuana. I've yet to start them but I'll get the bible for when there done.

I'll follow your diary, it's always good to see another greenhouse grow :)

Sharing that cj? :P

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I've been checking your posts out too dude.

BZ's Dinafem Adventure looks promising! Nice guerilla grow going on there ... man v. nature, if it were easy, it wouldn't feel so good when you scored a winner, would it? :headbang:

You only need one book. 'Nuff said ... I'll put it to bed now!

How's Critical Jack taste? I'm assuming it's a Jack Herer crossed with a Critical Mass? Fruity & skunky?

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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option move the smaller plant and bend the shit out of the big bitch lol


I can bend the shit out of the big bitch without moving the smaller one, I'll just bend her in the other direction when she gets in the way!

There's plenty of root space and greenhouse space, and I don't want to shock the small one by moving her again ...

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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That critical Jack is the Dinafem one, so I would assume that your right about critical x Jack herer.

When I first cropped it, there was a skunky perfume smell, but now it's cured for a while the fruity smell is really coming out. The yield isn't great, but I'm so glad I got a pack, the smoke really hits the spot for me :)

Cheers for the props, I've 2 other sites that I'm documenting on another forum ;)

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