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UK 2016 Outdoor Greenhouse Grow

Bud Wiser

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Ok, here we go ...

First up, 3 lovely autos from Dutch Passion ... now 61 days old with between 3 and 5 weeks to go I'd say:

DP 3 X autos

Watered 28th March, sprouted on 2nd April and lovingly potted into 30 litre buckets on 30th April, taking up permanent residence in the greenhouse.

All three were painstakingly moved in and out of the greenhouse and into my warm flat every time the fucking weather turned frosty ... which was a LOT this year in April :schmoll: which is why I held off planting them straight into the big buckets ... impossible to carry in and out all the time.

Here's a view from the top -

Think Big:

Dutch Passion 'Think Big'


Dutch Passion 'AutoMazar'

Daiquiri Lime:

Dutch Passion 'Daiquiri Lime'

As far as I'm aware, cannabis plants are one of the only species to do this .... if you look down, you can't see the soil or the bucket at all ... phenomenal use of light-using space I'd say! (Correct me if I'm wrong on this btw!).
Now, all three were given the same sized buckets, the same substrate, the same nutrients and they all got the same amount of light. So, (top picture), the AutoMazar (middle) and the Daiquiri Lime (right) have both grown to their manufacturer's suggested height of 70-80 cm, whereas the Think Big (left) has only grown to a THIRD of the manufacturer's suggested height of 150cm ... ??? Is this a good example of how different strains can perform well in any conditions, as opposed to some that can't? If anyone from DP is reading this, I'd be grateful for some illumination on this ...
I'll be growing all three again later in the season, so I'll compare the stats between the 2 grows ...
Now onto my AutoBlueberry Diesel from Advanced Seeds ...

Advanced Seeds AutoBlueberry Diesel

Watered 28th March, sprouted on 5th April and lovingly potted into a 30 litre bucket on 30th April, taking up permanent residence in the greenhouse.

From the top:

AutoBlueberry Diesel

I'd say she's also got another 3 weeks to go ... I can hardly wait!
For all four plants, I've used this potting compost from Lidl ... £1.29 a bag, and it's the best I've used yet!
It's very 'airy' which allows for excellent drainage and helps avoid root-drowning from some more 'boggy' types of growing medium, plus it's a perfect Ph 7:

cheap potting compost!

And I found these in Poundland !!!:

cheap nutrients!

Yup, £3 for all the nutrients you need ... :yahoo:
Definitely not the best on the market I'm sure, but unless you've got a high-tech hydroponic system, expensive nutrients are a waste of money in my opinion when growing in soil ... these really only act as a 'top-up' and I probably only get to use one dose of each, as Autos tend to start flowering almost immediately from birth!
Of course, the best nutrients you can get are actually FREE ... if you diligently prepare a proper home-made organic compost heap, stew it for a few years ... you've got the best a girl can get!
Next post, I'll show you how well my Auto Super Lemon Haze is doing in my home-made compost ... she's only 5 weeks old and already starting to overtake all the others !!
Bud Wiser :oldtoker:
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Foaming at the mouth here!

Lovely looking grow. I've got to say the three xxl autos I've got in the ground in the greenhouse are way bigger than the one in a pot or the one outside with the peas. They are all in the same compost mix (homemade with perlite and vermiculite in the mix as I have a heavy clay soil).

I suppose it may be variance in genetics maybe? Always take breeders descriptions with a pinch or two of salt. 170g off an auto? Yes if you live in Spain, probably more like 50 at most in the uk, we shall see. I've got a diary going in the Dinafem section outdoor grow 2016 so will be great to compare notes.


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> @@Hashmaker6

YOU'RE foaming at the mouth ...! Fuck, I'm positively gagging ... if I could physically drag time forward a month, I would in an instant.

Have you got a link to your Dinafem diary? ... can't seem to find it.

I agree with your 'in the ground' v. 'pots' comment. No root confinement and impossible to over-water ... however I'll be putting 2 x Super Skunks full photoperiod in my grow pit soon, so they should grow like a couple of triffids.

I like large buckets because you can move the auto plants around ... especially on a hot day. Like just now when I went and checked my thermometers and the temp was up to 38 degrees C in the greenhouse ...!! They're all outside now, enjoying a nice breeze and some well overdue sunshine! ;)

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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Looking good man I've just germinated 2 Auto Blueberry and am going to pop two Auto Mazar as well. Seeing them pictures above I thought I'd be happy if any of mine look similar to yours but then I read that Auto Mazar was in the middle and that put a smile on my face.

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@@Bud Wiser

Here's my diary, only a noob but so far so good.


I started on the basis that I apply to all other garden plants but quickly learned that almost everything about auto's appears to be counter intuitive. Sensitive little buggers!! Would love to do a normal photo in there, would need to rig up an automatic watering system from the water butt for hols with Mrs Hasmaker and the two little Hashmakers maybe next yr. I'll be trying blue hash and Jorges Diamonds outside next to the Hydrangeas .......

Any hints or tips, positive or negative warmly received. I'm a dab hand with the veggies so this is all new but love to learn!


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> @@Mohamedbear

That's AutoMazar grown in a greenhouse in cold conditions with little sunshine and no heater throughout April & May in the UK !!

I shudder to think what she'll be like under ideal conditions ... truly spectacular I'd imagine ... we shall see because I've got my second one just 10 days old now ... watch this space.

Of course, the world record for this variety stands at a whopping 900 grams !!!!! Off ONE plant. (under lights of course!).

Love to hear how your Auto Blueberry's turn out ... my AutoBlueberry Diesel was a bastard to germinate (10 days!), very slow in the veg stage, but now she's doing fine.

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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They´re looking really nice especially from such an early start.

Are you staying with autos or are you doing some photos later?

All the best Mokka

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They look fantastic and you're doing a great job with them. I've been doing something very similar, moving pots in and out of the greenhouse to get the best out of the sunlight and weather, but yours are a couple of weeks ahead of mine.

I will be very interested to see your Super Lemon Haze. I almost bought some this year to try out, but talked myself out of it, partly because I couldn't find much feedback about it.

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> @@mokka

Doing a couple of Super Skunks full photo as we speak! They're only a week old tho'.

I'll be sticking 'em in the ground in about a month's time when they're a decent size and outgrowing their pots.

> @@Black Venus

Thanks for your comments ... here's the Super Lemon Haze at 5 weeks:

Super Lemon Haze 5wks

6 days germination, started flowering at day 30.
She's growing like Jack's beanstalk at the moment ...
Bud Wiser :oldtoker:
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What a lovely day! Even my ex cooked me a dinner, which is testament to the power of sunshine!

Had to move all my babies out of the greenhouse tho' ... up to 40 deg. C under glass!

SO glad I've got 'em planted in large buckets on days like today ... helps keep the roots cool.

Anyway, here's some babes in bikinis ...

'AutoBlueberry Diesel' bathing in the sunshine ....


'Think Big' ... thinking about bigness ...

Think Big thinkin'

'AutoMazar' ... rustic B&Q photoshoot ...

Mazar 1

'AutoMazar' ... trichome porn!

AutoMazar trichomes

Hope y'all had as happy a day as we did ...!! :band:
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These look great! I think there's a great deal of snobbery around when one mentions autos and greenhouse in the uk in the same sentence but grows like this really show that auto's should form part of any greenhouse enthusiasts arsenal.

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For most growers, nirvana lies in the biggest, fattest, most resinous plant imaginable. I get that, and with that goal in mind, 'autos' grown outdoors just don't cut the mustard. You're definitely not going to win any bud-porn competitions with one, that's for sure.

However, I'm not trying to grow super-sized plants or monster buds. I'm aiming for the opposite! The reason is simple ... my grow isn't miles away in a field or hidden down in the corner of a massive garden, it's right under everyone's noses and therefore a low profile is essential. I just feel lucky in being able to grow some Mary Jane at all, let alone heavyweight hardcore buds!

So, I grow my little autos for these very good reasons:

1. The Law.

Last time I checked, which admittedly was a couple of years ago, the courtroom sentencing guidelines for magistrates surrounding home growing for personal use as opposed to commercial growing for profit ran somewhere around no more than 9 mature plants producing an estimated maximum 13 ounces of dried material, which works out at 1/4 oz a week!!

By staggering my grow throughout the summer, I have no more than half a dozen plants at any one time in full bloom, and as each one only gives me an estimated couple of ounces of dried bud, should the worse happen and plod does pay me a visit, I'm well within the 'slap and a fine' tarriff as opposed to the 'getting banged up' club.

2. Visibility.

Autos only grow to about a metre tall, so keeping a low profile in the greenhouse away from the eyes of nosey neighbours. Dutch Passion have a photo on their website of a Belgian greenhouse grower who had to remove some of the roof glass in his greenhouse to accomodate the enormous buds he had growing out of the ceiling:

I don't think I'd get away with something that size not being noticed in suburbia, do you?

3. Smell.

Another 'feature' of autos I've found is that they don't seem to smell as much as their photoperiod counterparts. I'm guessing this is partly down to their short life span? Anyway, as they don't produce monster buds, and as I don't have a field of them all maturing at once, I find the odour fairly easy to control.

4. Transportable.

If I'm ever faced with a 'get rid-of quckly' scenario, I don't have to chop 'em down, I can just shove 'em in the back of my mates van and vamoose pronto. Unlikely to ever have to, but you never know.

5. Easy.

No having to change the daylight hours to start the flowering process. Just stick 'em in a bucket and look after them for 3 months and presto, lovely free smoke at the end. No lengthy technical learning-curve with meters and regulators and lights and PhD-level nutrient chemistry! Great for beginners, I think.

Finally, being the hypocrite that I am, I'm breaking mw own rules this year and growing a couple of photoperiod Super Skunks in the greenhouse grow pit. I'm already shitting myself about the potential size and odour I'm going to be faced with come September. There's going to have to be some serious trimming, training and topping methinks! I've already started them off, but I'm also starting to have second thoughts too, not wanting to risk my entire growspace for the sake of a couple of extra-smelly plants! We'll see ...

Bud Wiser :oldtoker:

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Agreed @@Bud Wiser my Jorges Diamonds arrived today - a nice stinky photoperiod although good airflow and ventilation should help to manage that but it would be great to compare notes. She'll have some work to catch up with your super skunk though but I've been really bucked by my progress to date so I'm looking forward to it. She'll be unsupervised for two weeks when I'm away so am looking forward to coming back to a triffid.....

My 4 girls are starting to whiff a bit now and they're not yet in full flower and I'm in an urban environment too - BUT it don't smell like someone smoking buds and if a neighbour gets a whiff it's only gonna be that and hopefully no suspicion aroused because I believe people associate visually with someone smoking a joint. I've tested this by using my storm pen at football matches etc stood next to coppers and they are none the wiser....

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Hi there, just started my photos too and they´ll also will be going into nicely fed beds.

I´ve never found smell to be so much of an issue, sometimes my autos smell more (maybe cause its hotter in summer and the terpenes vapourise more).

What i worry about more is how big the plants are gonna get. Mine will be topped from the word go to produce two leads.These will be trained to bamboo canes at an angle of slightly less than 45 degrees.

Hopefully the plants will stay about 2m long and about 1.5m high.

I´m also hoping these far red leds do the job.

I´ve got about 2.3m growing height but i prefer my buds to be at eye level, we shall see...

ATB Mokka

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