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Some yellow leaves, 4 weeks flower


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I have done a sort of semi-scrog and the time before last that I fed it I am pretty sure I underfed but it mostly looks ok with some yellow leaves.

So, knowing I had underfed last time and it had a few yellow leaves I made sure I gave it 4ml/l of OT1 Bloom this time but some more leaves have turned yellow since.

It's in PM Soil and am using OT1 nutes.

What Would people recommend feeding next time it's due to feed (in a day)?

Does it need a bit of Grow too? 4ml/l Bloom and 1ml/l Grow or something?

Here is a post with some earlier pics of it. http://www.uk420.com/boards/index.php?showtopic=367458



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Hungry for N i think. Did you feed OT grow during the first few weeks of flower ? The bloom has enough N in it but im finding you must feed the grow/veg feed as per the chart. i.e. first 2 weeks of flowering.

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Maybe they are not been fed frequently enough and going hungry between feeds? How often do you feed them? And are you letting the pots completely dry out?

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Are you aware of the hardness off your water? You have purple stems and nitrogen issues that leads me to a ph problem poss salt build up and causing lock out p and n being the two def I can see I wouldn't throw more nutes in as you may cause more Problems I would source a ph pen and check your run off that's where I would start.

Eta. How are your temps?

Edited by m99
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You'd be surprised how hard water over time can fuck your soil I live in a very hard water area and my ph can be around 8.5 sometimes and I know my soil won't buffer to the right level so I have to adjust it and seems to get worse as the grow goes on so I can only assume it's due to the hard water causing salt build up and causing lock out I've only noticed the hardness recently as my plants weren't performing as well and getting lock out but now with a little adjusting my plants are uptaking all they need I thought it was due to the old timers nutrients but it wasn't it was my ph swinging about!

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@@Reggie2000 Yes, I gave it Grow for the first few weeks, I followed the chart for "lightly fertilised mediums". The yellow does look like N.

@@ditchthedealer, they are only feeding every threee days which is weird cos I would normally expect to be feeding every other day at this point, yes I let it dry out but not over-dry.

@@m99 I ph'd my water once and it was fine, I don't think it's an issue. Hope not anyway, but you have a point. (temps are fine btw). I have found a lot of plants (not all) have purple stems. Maybe it is an issue.

I did underfeed by mistake the time before last and I am pretty sure that's what caused this....so I feel like I already know the problem and am wondering should I throw in a bit of Grow along with the Bloom next time (due to yellowness looking so much like N)?

Maybe I will just give it 5ml/1l of Bloom. :oldtoker:

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Very strange to see so much yellowing when you are feeding that much, I have never managed to go over 4ml/l of ot bloom without completely frying the plants, rarely go over 3, what strain is it? looks lush for 4 weeks you are doing a good job. It definitely looks hungry for N but I cant think why, If it was me I would give her a bit of grow for the Nitrogen for one feed instead of upping the bloom any more.

What are your temps? I am guessing you have already ruled that sort of stuff out?

Hope you manage to get it under control, remember that the yellow leaves wont improve and it will take a good few days for the plant to recover from the hunger so dont expect to see changes overnight.

Edited by StevieRays
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That's what makes me think it's ph i have never gone above 3ml either and I can see slight tip burn it's locking out imo and my first thoughts were temps but that's ruled out??

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Some strains do like high feeds, my UK cheese went up to 6ml bloom in a good environment in batmix and just barely scathed a few tips. I didn't get her yellowing under control till week 5 and from memory I had to go a bit above what was suggested in the chart early to sort it.

I also noticed from previous grows that if I let my pots go without a feed for to long they sometimes start to yellow, even when the pots are still damp so I feed them a day before they are nearly dry and I've had my best looking grow to date from doing this. Not saying it is this, but just thought I would put it out there.

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the dreaded OT bloom yellowing again it is pretty standard TBH bud i supplemented with plagron sugar royal last time i grew organic and it was much better its just a lack of N but they look pretty healthy to me and you are set for a decent crop :)

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Very strange to see so much yellowing when you are feeding that much, I have never managed to go over 4ml/l of ot bloom without completely frying the plants, rarely go over 3, what strain is it? looks lush for 4 weeks you are doing a good job. It definitely looks hungry for N but I cant think why, If it was me I would give her a bit of grow for the Nitrogen for one feed instead of upping the bloom any more.

What are your temps? I am guessing you have already ruled that sort of stuff out?

Hope you manage to get it under control, remember that the yellow leaves wont improve and it will take a good few days for the plant to recover from the hunger so dont expect to see changes overnight.

The feed before last they did not get 4ml/l though....I messed up and doubt they got even half that. I am sure that messed up feed is the problem (I do keep mentioning that ;) ). I don't know whether to give it some Grow or not....

They do look good for 4 weeks don't they? They are Noname by Ugorg. :)

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That's what makes me think it's ph i have never gone above 3ml either and I can see slight tip burn it's locking out imo and my first thoughts were temps but that's ruled out??

Yea, temps are fine. The tip burn is from when I was overfeeding slightly early on. :) All problems have occurred since I messed up the feed and gave it too little (stoned plant care not good ;) ) on the feed before last.

the dreaded OT bloom yellowing again it is pretty standard TBH bud i supplemented with plagron sugar royal last time i grew organic and it was much better its just a lack of N but they look pretty healthy to me and you are set for a decent crop :)

Thanks mate, I am used to the OT bloom lack of N but not this soon, it's only 4 weeks, it normally happens near the end.

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