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Asda worker jailed for cultivating 38 cannabis plants


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SUPERMARKET worker Jason Ward has been jailed after he grew thousands of pounds worth of cannabis at his home.

Police visited the 28-year-old at work and took his house keys from him before entering the property and discovering a 'sophisticated growing operation'.

In total they found 38 cannabis plants with a potential street value of between £6,000 and £12,000.

And they seized a taser stun gun from the house.

Now Ward, a father-of-three, has been locked up for 12 months at Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court.

Prosecutor Philip Brunt said police executed a search warrant at the defendant's home in Queen Street, Cheadle, last January.

Mr Brunt said: "They went to Asda where he was working and got the keys from him. They went back to the address and found a relatively sophisticated cannabis set-up in the first-floor rear bedroom.

"There was one growing tent with three plants and a high powered light. The rest of the room was a growing area with silver foil on all four sides.

"In total there were 38 plants.

"Police went back to Asda but Ward had left work. He was tracked down with the assistance of a police dog."

Mr Brunt said the plants were four to six weeks away from maturity and could have produced 1.7 kilograms of cannabis with a street value of between £6,000 and £12,000.

He added that the taser did not work.

Ward, now of Brands Farm Way, Randlay, Telford, pleaded guilty to production of cannabis and possession of a prohibited weapon.

Ramya Nagesh, mitigating, said the defendant did not financially benefit from the operation.

She added: "He was the general housekeeper. The reason he took part in this was the man who took part in the operation was someone to whom he owed money. He has been involved in drugs since he was aged 15 and he had many debts."

Jailing Ward, Recorder Andrew Easteal said: "This was a commercial set-up.

"This was not something you initiated and set up. There were others senior to you who were directing what you did. That does not excuse your role within it, which remains a very serious one."

http://ww w.stokesentinel.co.uk/Shop-worker-jailed-cultivating-38-cannabis-plants/story-28762920-detail/story.html#ixzz40cb5zrB0

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do 6months and had a taser, i wonder if he just had plants if he'd get any bird. Know people who've grown more and not got any sentence.

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They don't like you having tasers, cs or guns, threatens them and that's why they dish it out in the courts, to set an example to others not to tool up ;)

What's got to be remembered is that the establishment in this country (same for all countries really) aka the 'system' and the administrators of it are shit scared of not being able to apply control, anarchy is the worst nightmare for those that have and the more they have, the more they fear the loss of having no more.

Won't help them in the end though, simple numbers game and there's more that don't have than do.

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@@botanics Thats what happened after the London riots a few years ago, jailing people for nicking water, the mask slips and you see how scared they are of losing control of us.

Doesn't stop them pushing ordinary folk to the brink with their "austerity" measures, though...

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They don't like you having tasers, cs or guns, threatens them and that's why they dish it out in the courts, to set an example to others not to tool up ;)

Yep. I don't know why someone would bother to keep one that doesn't work :doh:

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Tis where the cuntservative mind is at it's cleverest mate, knowing how far to push without breaking it, however the 'old' knowledge is diminishing with these newer politicians we have been seeing this last twenty years and I really do believe they don't know where the breaking point is and will push too far in the end which doesn't look too far away (that is unless a manufactured war comes up on the horizon :wassnnme: )

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@@botanics Sadly I think they are too clever, the problem with austerity is the majority of people end up struggling so hard they don't have time to demonstrate, anyone with a family exhausts themselves trying to keep there heads above the water, they're angry and are drip fed targets by the right wing press (pretty much all the press now) ala muslamic rapist refugees.

Lots of devious ways to control us, apart from the targeting of others to blame, I remember the riots in the 80's, Liverpool, Bristol etc... corresponded with the rising availability of heroin on the streets in these areas. Nothing de-politicises folk quicker than a habit.

Sadly think you may be right about a war though...ah well, chin up fella!

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Yeah man I fear you are correct, well my mind says so, my heart not so much, the war though, selling it won't work like the one's of old, they're trying their damnedest with the continuous propaganda barrage, but the youngsters are a bit more savvy and connected to each other for more reliable information, who knows, I do hope though that when it comes, all the ones who they wish to send to fight it, tell them to fuck off, that would be the real coup.

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Tis where the cuntservative mind is at it's cleverest mate, knowing how far to push without breaking it, however the 'old' knowledge is diminishing with these newer politicians we have been seeing this last twenty years and I really do believe they don't know where the breaking point is and will push too far in the end which doesn't look too far away (that is unless a manufactured war comes up on the horizon :wassnnme: )

they know how far they can push us, they've all read mein kampf, hitlers book

Edited by bobtokes
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The question is how many soldiers are willing to die for these people after Iraq and Afghanistan ?

That really is the big question

If they do start a war it's not going to be against some rag tag army. It will be against a real army in Russia they have all the gear and it seems like they know how to use it. Unlike the Saudis lol

The casualtys would be unbeleivable. And for what ?

So Rupert Murdoch can drill for oil in the Golan heights that's for what. Funny if it wasn't true.

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@@botanics I know a couple of people with military backgrounds and they don't care about the politics, they see what they do as a job, nothing more. They are adamant it's "queen and country".

If you were politicised you most likely wouldn't join the services...Worked at an FE college recently, never met a group of young people less politically aware, scary how clueless they seemed to be about what's going on in the world, from any perspective, we were talking about the government and they couldn't even grasp the broad difference between left and right wing, they seem to have been bought up with the cult of celebrity, and so their decision making is based on how much they like a politician...not saying this is everyone of course, bit of an eye opener though.

@@The_Blue_Bus A big conflict would thin out the ranks, less of "us" for "them" to worry about. The last thing the establishment yield will be control, enforced by the police and military. Soldiers do as they're told, it's the very basis of all the training, following orders without questions, how else would you get them to do what they do on a battlefield? I'd imagine any sane person would be at the bottom of the foxhole with their hands over their head!

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That bad then mate :shock: I thought it was bad enough twenty five years ago during my teens but at least some had a clue, another reason why we need to sack off the ruling classes, keeping peeps down via lack of information, same old trick and far too many folks don't wake up, frustrates me man, really does and then you get some arguing that left ideology is crazy .

Think you're right when about political engagement and direct relation to military service too man (within the context of the rank and file at least, the officer class, well that's a different story for some), why only young men fight wars and old men create them.

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