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i love old hiphop curently have over 300 albums and still collecting everyday.

i grew up with hiphop around me , kids at school spittin ryhmes getting all teh girls to smile for them.

my favorite smokin music wuld have to be BLACK EYED PEAS they do all sorta of music from jazz to rock from classic hiphop to modern rap this group has great style and dont rap about having money and doggin bitches. they ryhme about Karma and world issues. if you like or can stand hiphop check out

Black Eyed Peas - Behind the front . its a great album.

others are Spice 1 and BONE THUGS N HARMONY heres a few lyrics from them

Spice 1:I'm high til I kick the bucket

Fuck it throw some blunts on my coffin and I'll

smoke it with the dead niggas

Light it up like the Fourth of July

Type of chronic make a dead nigga wake up high

Kick back lay back and throw them feet up

Sometimes I wanna roll, a whole fuckin tree up

Bill Clinton hit the chronic and he didn't inhale

But I'm gonna cough a fuckin lung up for niggaz in jail

most of ya old timers dont aprecate hiphop but for those that do smoke on and those who dont well you still get a blunt passed your way :(

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Sorry mate but i can't stand hiphop, it's all a load of balls, two note bass line with a fat beat and some guy swearing alot, cause he can't express himself any other way. only my opinion, but i think music should be musical, these guy's have little or no musical talent, just angry guy's shouting about things i don't really care about. But variety is the spice of life mate, each to his own and all.

Doesn't black people singing about niggers equate to white people singing pro white music. bloody racists.

Gonna take my whiter than white ass

down and smoke some grass

can't beat the fuckin green

caucasian brothers know what i mean

just off the top of my head, stick a standard beat behind it and it could be the next number one. ;)

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sounds like youv herd like one rap song or sompin . i dont like the stuff you hear on the radio. but to prove you wrong about hiphop and its "two note bass line with a fat beat and some guy swearing alot" . heres lyrics from a good hiphop artist. K-OS


I break out my physical shell

and excel past the so called body

used to go to the party

but now I sit and chill with the pen and the pad

dropping ill philisophical science

me and my dad we talk about life

and how it started

how we departed from lights path

and probable right math

the task at hand is making people understand that we're not who we think we are

within this land of lost the cost of souls could be so high

people be getting high wondering why we die

but it's all planned

to get your fear take the hand

we keep on returning because the lessons need learning

concerning the fact

I sing and I rap

I hold this mic contact

critics can step back and analize

I energise with cosmic rays of days

there ain't no ??? ??? of the sun


melodical prodigal flows

hypnotical blows to brain pieces


when I reach this pinnacle cynical clinical

microphone autobots waiting on lotto spots

trying to rock

but yo they can't understand

there's only one plan

the time is at hand

in the year two zero zero one

the people of the sun return to free the righteous children

now!, I know you want to be on top of the world

giving a diamond and pearl to your girl watching your jacuzi swirl

seems like material lust

we need to look up to the heavens for imperial trust

me!, it's kinda hard when you rhyme sometimes

everybody wants to scrutinize

redifine who you are

but every person is a star

so let your light shine far

and praise god



also if you want realy good souding hiphop group check out Black Eyed Peas they use music from around the world and sport many types of music:yinyang: :ouch: keep smokin

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That's just it Pip, we were on about old hiphop. Back to the 70's and 80's :wassnnme: Swearing wasn't much of a feature if at all - it was about having a good time and trying to escape. The rhythms are old jazz/blues/soul tracks. Knowing what to take and what to leave out, when to play it and when not to play it. Hip hop is where the roots of Djing and dance music lies. After the mid 90's hiphop seemed to go stale definately too much ego, foul mouthing and simplified breaks. So I stopped following it - still play the old stuff though. There probably is some good stuff out there (bought an Aim album the other day) I just can't be arsed to wade through racks of :ouch: in the record shop to find it.


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OK point taken, depends what you class as hiphop, everyone has to put music in a genre and box it off, the best artists are bands that cross the boundries, just seems nowadays no one has any talent, or if they do they are not signed cause they have been shot 6 times. All a load of arse this modern music. But yeah i like some of the old stuff. I not totally oppose to swearing in music sometimes it help the song along, stress a point etc... but no twice in every line like it seems to be now.

Going to go break out some old beastie boys records now for a bit of sabotage

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ok i here ya on that like i said i dont like the stuff you here on the radio

i listen to bands that arent so famouse cause they rap aboiut how the world is instead of punkin a bitch and sporting diamonds. i have 300 + albums iv baught only a few that i respect(30 or so) i dl and burn the rest.

it is stupid to but albums you havent herd i think, so much crap and if yu hear one bad album from a artist you screp em forever. i have many artists i like but hate some of there albums.

the lyrics i posted are from a artist that just came out K-OS has talent and you wont see him wearing enough gold and ice to suport a small country either.

his new album(>'')> K-OS EXIT

anouther good group is --> Black Eed Peas there new album elephunk is very good. as is there old one behind the front . check the album out if ya dont liek it scrap it if you do suport him and buy it.

hiphop is about freedom

email me hitchcock_mr@yahoo.ca if ya want to hear some decent hiphop like the albums above

:P keep smokin and exploring music

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if you've got a fresh blunt or joint rolled and are just about to smoke it put on "roll it up, light it up, smoke it up" -- cypress hill

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I spin quite a lot of hip-hop.... Old skool....

What about Naughyt by Nature - Hip Hop Hooray

Or some GM Flash, ATCQ, De La Soul - All good

I stopped collecting hip-hop after the tupac and Biggie fiasco really. After that it was just whiny boys talking about their guns.

I think Gangsta rap should have been buried with them. It's not the same.

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Hip Hop Hooray

Ho - Hey - Ho!!

Love it

I think a distinction should be made between hip-hop and gangsta rap - personally think the two are different.

Love both tho B) :stoned:

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I'm listening to Hiphop right now..... ......

Top 3 All Time Hip Hop Artists


2. NaS

3.Jay Z

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im a hip hop d,j been doing it for years.

we smokers cant knock hip hop............... CYPRESS HILL need i say more (please excuse my spelling)

gotta agree with ktown tho black eyed peas are the sh*t

if you havent herd them i suggest you download some right now (even if your not a hip hop fan)

peace grasshopper :stoned:

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I aint at all into the gangsta rap stuff like 2 pac, 50 cent, p diddy and all that shit but for some real quality hip hop with decent rhymes and phat breaks, loops n samples you cang go wrong with people like..

jeru the damaja

the roots

jurassic 5


to me rap is crap stuff like biggie, nas etc etc whereas hip hop is a whole culture like breaking, graffiti, turntablism etc.

this ones for me and this ones for ma homies :blub:



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spot on chilli

hiphop has never been about gangsta shit guns or bitches (i dont realy call women bitches just for thimaking a point i appologise)

that all came along when the gangsta rap music took off in the late 80s early 90s,.................... usless fact n.o 1 r.a.p stands for raddical american poetry.

hiphop has always been about fun there is a whole lifestyle behind it,

and the has been a few good white hiphop bands.

this life style mainly consists of smokin weed ,graffiti, turntabling,m.c,ing and having fun.

try listening to a couple of these bands then re think hiphop and seperate it from rap as there two completely difrent types of music.

cypress hill ......... hits from the bong.

pharcyde .......... summer time

black eyed peas.........on my own

two live crew.........me so horny (useless fact n.o 2 this is the only band ever to have an album banned in the states for being obbscene.......... they do spit about niggaz and ho,s but there from the 80s and a bit dated now still a hoot tho)(and there supporting insane clown posse this year in this country )

insane clown posse ......... emminems mom.... or eminem aint nothin but a bitch

very very funny

there all on kazza or winmx so down load em and let us know what you think.

grasshopper :blub:

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