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UK 2016 Outdoor Greenhouse Grow

Bud Wiser

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Welcome to fucked-up Friday!

I wandered down to the greenhouse this morning, happy as Larry with the sun shining, ready to give my lovelies a good feed. I was deep in the 'jungle', at the back of the greenhouse, and I noticed that the Blueberry Cheese had grown some nuts! Fuck. Hermies.

The plant was tucked right in the corner and there was no way I was going to get her out of the greenhouse without bursting a shitload of those pollen sacks, so my first thought was to chuck a big black bin-liner over her and cut her down from the stem base. However, doing that would also disturb a load of sacks, so I stopped for a moment to think. This wasn't a rush-out-and-grab-a-fire-extinguisher moment, so no need to panic yet.

I studied the plant for signs of burst sacks .. there were 2 empty sacks lying on the soil surface, so that's 2 loads. Another one open but still hanging on, so that's 3 loads. Shit, if that's anything like human sperm, then there's enough already been released to impregnate half of Newcastle ..! The rest of the balls seemed to be still intact.

The only solution was to grab a plastic bag and some scissors and remove the plant, one section of branch at a time, being very careful not to shake or brush them against anything. Once I'd got the whole plant inside the bag, which took a while, I got out of the greenhouse sharpish and into my kitchen. I dissected the plant indoors, removed all the pollen sacks and popped 'em into a small plastic bag and into the fridge for lack of knowing what else to do, and stripped the buds .. they can go into some qwiso for what it's worth.


My main worry now is how many of the Super Skunk buds have got themselves pollinated? .. none, some, half, all?

The efficiency of the BioGreen at shifting air around the room will almost guarantee some distribution, depending on when they burst open.

Was it on or off at the time?

Lots of 'ifs' and 'maybes'.

Unfortunately, I'll have to wait another 3 or 4 weeks to find out!

I'm kicking myself now for not spotting it sooner ... but being busy with the shed, I guess I took my eye off the ball. Or balls lol

Anyway, it is what it is.

I also decided to look back over my photos to see if I could spot how long they'd been there without me noticing. I take pics all the time, sometimes to inspect the plants, sometimes to admire. A photo from 4 days ago showed nothing, but this one from Wednesday:


Should've gone to SpecSavers !!

The upside, of course, is that if the SS has been totally pollinated, I'll have enough to start my own seedbank! The downside, if I'm correct in thinking, is that all the seeds will possess the 'hermies' genetic, so they'd be totally useless!

Not good.

Pollinated Bud :kwasny:

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Nature mate, or un-fucking-natural nature!

I'm under no illusion that at least some of the SS will have been pollinated. How much we'll see.

Thankfully, I'll still have smokeable buds, pollinated or not. Diminished in potency, maybe, but they're still buds.

Fuck the seeds.

The rest of the Blueberry Cheese have already gone in the bin. Provenance unknown.

It's not quite like a borg attack, or a bad case of the rot, but it's a kick in the nuts no less.

How much it hurts we've yet to find out.

Fingers crossed.

Bud Hopeful :oldtoker:

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What a ball ache!

Sounds like you caught it in time. Were any nana's dangling? If so you'll be sure to have a few seeds. I have a few myself already this season from very insignificant males on my plots.

Re my earlier post. Looks like you have it covered there, especially with the flowering notes your giving them. Must be a heck of a smell though? Did you say you were in the Wales area??

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Doh... At least you spotted them when you did. I'm finding myself a little complacent at checking my plants at the moment, one of them in particular is a bit tricky to get to. Your bad luck has inspired me to me a bit more prudent though. Great pictures of the hermies though :thumsup:

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@@Bud Wiser stability (especially of feminised strains) seems to be becoming a real problem. There has been such intra strain cross breeding that there are bound to be some seed banks and strains which can no longer be considered as reliable as their genetics are destabilised by careless selection and simply trying to be the first with a new feminised and auto version of a new strain. I have a good friend who has had nothing but problems on the hydro front with feminised seeds so much so he's going down the clone route....

Vigilance is all in this game as you've shown and as you say, worst case scenario you'll have some free seeds next year. If the skunk has been done and ends up going all jimmy savile (seedy). you can always save the seeds and qwiso the lot.

I'm on for another half ounce of oil from my blue hash plant and hollands hope I reckon :yahoo: the Dinafem bluehash is looking seriously resinous so may be more. I'll have to stick a photo update up soon.

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I noticed in the Aldi Specialbuys magazine that they are getting 20 litre / day dehumidifiers in next week for £99. That is a great price and I was hoping they were going to have them a few months ago when I bought mine for £150.

I wouldn't be without my dehumidifier in the greenhouse...


How are you using your dehumidifyer, 24/7 ? I presume you´re shutting the doors and windows when its running? And whats your r/h in the mornings, basically can you tell us how we should be using a dehumidifyer in the g/h!

ATB Mokka

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Interested in the above as well. Iv got mine in the shed for the first couple of days during drying. Got a few gaps in the door but goes down to low 50's even on a wet day.

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I have it running 24 / 7 with a hose fitted to a continuous drain. I have the humidistat set at level 6 which is approx 40% RH, so if it goes below 40% it shuts off but most of the time it is running.

I keep my door closed unless it it really sunny and my 2 x windows are on automatic openers so open automatically once it gets to about 25 degrees.

I know that with the windows opening it is letting some of my dry air our but I can accept that. The dehumidifier will really come into its own in October when the temperatures drop and the window's are hardly opening at all.

The highest morning readings I get are about 70% RH where without the dehumidifier they would be at 99% RH. By 10 am it is usually down to around 50% RH. If I have just watered the plants that morning it will stay higher for a bit longer.

I also have quite a lot of tomato, chilli and Aubergine plants in there, so there is a lot of greenery and wet pots that add to the humidity.

I just checked and the RH is currently 62%, Inside temp is 23.9, outside temp is 15.3. Windows are closed but I did just water everything about 1 1/2 hrs ago.

Hope this helps...

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Ok, dude, you've just gone and made me confess ... a friend gave them to me! He's going through a bitter divorce and his lawyer's advised him to 'cool' his weed activities, or he'll lose the kids!

All kit into storage, he dispersed his consumable wares in all directions. I got some seeds. Wish I'd got the nutes now lol

Like I said, 'provenance unknown' ... that means in answer to your question, I haven't a fucking clue!

Being suspicious of unknown breeding, I opted for a trial run of just one plant, to see what happened, with the intention of keeping my eye on it. Oops.

Unfortunately, life's what happens while your busy building sheds!


I reckon these came out of 'bag weed' buddy, nothing to do with breeding.

And any seeds that may appear will be totally fucking useless, as the force is strong with the 'hermie' genetic, and all have balls they will ...!! lol

Hey, guys, I'm not that worried.

I've had a look at the SS today and the buds are all over the place, hundreds of them, all covered in resin already, and that ain't goin' nowhere!

Pollinated or not, I'm going to have a nice big harvest of very smokeable weed, act of god or a plod-appearance notwithstanding.

Bud Happy :oldtoker:

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75% RH this morning and it is a very damp morning. Pretty sure it would be at 99% RH without the dehumidifier. No condensation on the glass at all...

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Quick piccy update ... mobile phone jobby's as I dropped my camera and bust the lens.

Looking good, ain't she? ..


And the obligatory close-up ...


Had to trim some bud branches off at the back today .. the buds were touching the glass, and the condensation running on them would no doubt increase the chances of rot ten-fold.

I try to keep my buds as dry as possible and off the glass.

A few more weeks to go yet, so the buds should continue to fatten-up nicely ... just how fat they'll end up remains to be seen.

I've upped the feed and molasses, and I'll stop giving them anything from next week. Plus another leaf-trim.

Abundant Bud :oldtoker:

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