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Fish mix


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Its part fish emulsion, their words:-

Fish-Mix is an OMRI/SKAL listed infusion of certified organic North Sea fish emulsion and bouillon with horticultural grade organic Dutch sugar beet extract. It activates the microbial activity in the soil, making it “fatter” and “richer” while providing plants with naturally occurring minerals. It is mild enough to be used in the first stages of a plant’s life or sprayed on a plants leafs during the vegetative stages of growth. Fish-Mix has not been extracted with acids or stabilised with BHT, because these are prohibited inputs on organic farms. Fish-Mix has a pH of 6.1 and will not burn roots or foliage.

Edited to add fish hydrolysate, is usually stabilised and preserved with phosphoric acid, ie the ph reduced to 3.5 or ph4, this stops it putrefying and adds phosphate, its not acceptable as organic in the eu.

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Good stuff the Fishmix, I'm using it along side PM OT Grow at the minute, honestly you can't fall off.

I'm getting much better results with PM than when I was using Biobizz Grow/Bloom, but there's only one way to find out if it works for you...

I only ever use it as a soil drench but I've read of many good results when using it as a foilier spray, I think I'll use it that way as well next time around.

Plants love fishmix and you can't argue with that :spliff:


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For those that use BB fishmix and BB Bloom.

How high can you benificially push the amounts of each without overdoing it?

I'm growing outdoors in soil. You can see a few pics and more info HERE.

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Its part fish emulsion, their words:-

Fish-Mix is an OMRI/SKAL listed infusion of certified organic North Sea fish emulsion and bouillon with horticultural grade organic Dutch sugar beet extract. It activates the microbial activity in the soil, making it “fatter” and “richer” while providing plants with naturally occurring minerals. It is mild enough to be used in the first stages of a plant’s life or sprayed on a plants leafs during the vegetative stages of growth. Fish-Mix has not been extracted with acids or stabilised with BHT, because these are prohibited inputs on organic farms. Fish-Mix has a pH of 6.1 and will not burn roots or foliage.

Edited to add fish hydrolysate, is usually stabilised and preserved with phosphoric acid, ie the ph reduced to 3.5 or ph4, this stops it putrefying and adds phosphate, its not acceptable as organic in the eu.

Thanks OT. I've been trying to find a fish hydrolysate product being sold in the UK but I'm completely at a loss as I can't find anything on google. I want to use it to make AACT (before brewing in my new brewer I intend to prepare the compost by adding fish hydrolysate and leaving it in a plastic container, as advised by the soil food. Can I substitute the fish hydrolysate for BB fishmix?

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I've done whole grows using nowt but Fishmix - its brilliant, much the best product from BioBizz.

But I wouldn't ever use their compost again, absolutely not. Nor any other feeds. I used to, until things changed at BioBiz. Now I wouldn't give their products the time of day to be honest. Inorganic, unproductive muck, IMHO.

Plant Magic have them beaten hands down, in every department. And they are British, and make all their stuff here in the UK. Much better organics, much better.

OT1 swore by biobizz nutes for many years, guess thats all changed now he as is name on a plant magic bottle. :rofl: .

I don't take the remark as offensive.


im glad you did'nt OT1, it was'nt meant to be offensive, i could of worded it better, but could'nt edit the post a little afterwards, coz relooking at it, it does come across as an attack on you.

Edited by spankydemonkey
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Glad Oldtimer took no offence, and that you have seen how it looked, Spanky. Sorry if my reaction came over as a touch hefty, I guess I'm a bit quick to defend folks I like to think of as being my friends :ninja:

Good vibe returning to the thread, methinks :ninja:


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When are you meant to use fish mix?

Do you use it insted of grow and bloom?

You can if you want mate, i use it as a grow in veg and along side bloom in flower :rofl:

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I've done whole grows using nowt but Fishmix - its brilliant, much the best product from BioBizz.

But I wouldn't ever use their compost again, absolutely not. Nor any other feeds. I used to, until things changed at BioBiz. Now I wouldn't give their products the time of day to be honest. Inorganic, unproductive muck, IMHO.

Plant Magic have them beaten hands down, in every department. And they are British, and make all their stuff here in the UK. Much better organics, much better.

I've noticed the ALL-MIX is some what 'powerful'. Even a little addition of nutes will cause burning when the plants are young.

I haven't heard of Plant Magic, research Sunday ahead!! :rofl:

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Thanks OT. I've been trying to find a fish hydrolysate product being sold in the UK but I'm completely at a loss as I can't find anything on google. I want to use it to make AACT (before brewing in my new brewer I intend to prepare the compost by adding fish hydrolysate and leaving it in a plastic container, as advised by the soil food. Can I substitute the fish hydrolysate for BB fishmix?

I don't think the bb product is made in the same way as either of the two american continent types ie fish emulsion cooked or hydrolysate cold enzyme, in the USA and Ca, here neither could be classed as organic, I believe their emulsions are preserved with sulphuric acid and hydrolysate preserved with phosphoric acid, the use of any product with these ingredients would be banned for organic food production in the eu. It would be the same as saying its ok to use super phosphate.

I read some where that the bb fish mix is made with dried fish meal and fish powder both of which contain all the natural oils, proteins etc, it should be a far better product for what you want than a hydrolysate type. BB's fish is about as good as it gets when it comes to stimulating the micro heard.

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Thanks OT1.

If I'm in hydro can I get any benefit from using a foliar fishmix spray?

I am going to be growing Blue Cheese plants in NFT and was considering using the fishmix I'm planning on buying to make my AACT as a foliar spray on these plants to complement the mineral salt nutrients they'll be getting anyway. Would this work?

Edited by Artificial Emotion
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Fish mix works great as folia, it will work as a partner with or complement chemical salt fertilisers, if thats what you want to do.

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Excellent, the best of both worlds IMHO.

I just got some from my favourite grow shop online just now. It's good that it's quite good value for money and not sold at an extortionate, over-inflated price like Atami Bloombastic (not that I know much about this particular product, it's just an example to demonstrate a point!). Although I'm not sure what the concentration of the fishmix is and how much to dilute per litre into water, £10 per litre is quite reasonable.

Can someone tell me how much I should dilute into water (the no. of ml/litre) for a foliar spray rather than a soil drench?

Is this fishmix quite mild? Do I need to be careful when using it to spray cuttings or seedlings? How much more dilute should I use it for the purpose of propagating these seedlings/cuttings?

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and not sold at an extortionate, over-inflated price like Atami Bloombastic (not that I know much about this particular product, it's just an example to demonstrate a point!).

Ah!, but AB has a ounce of liquid gold in it, innit? :D

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