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UK: Police helicopter seeks out cannabis factories


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Its not as easy as it would appear chaosmonger. For instance pumping high humidity air into your cavity walls is pretty much guaranteed to cause problems

i was (theoretically, of course ) thinking along the lines of : up to loft, along to bathroom ceiling and place vent there. i appreciate a decent sized fan would be required if running more than 2 or 3 metres of ducting. this all requires the growroom to be on the first floor i would imagine. well, in MY case it would

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I am glad that these large scale growing operations are being targeted because it is probably the greedy fuckers that are growing that much weed who are also spraying it with crap to bulk up the weight and then selling it for extortionate prices.

If everyone who smoked, grew their own or enough for them and their mates then I don't think anyone would be bothered, but there are too many greedy capitalist scum out there fucking it up for everybody.

I don't think there is anything wrong with making a bit of cash from a small crop if you can't smoke it all yourself as long as the weed is sold unadulterated and at a fair price.

I believe that Cannabis is a wonderful drug and I think that its image is being spoilt by greedy people with no respect for the drug or what it stands for.


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Could you not just route your exhaust into the sewer system?

Smell covered by the tangy stench of poo & all heat will be absorbed by the sewer walls/ground within a few meters.

If you really wanted to be safe you could install some kind of u-bend upstream if your house so the smell won't travel back up to other peoples houses.

Just an idea off the top of meh head.

Dunno if anyone has tried it.

Edited by pantbash
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Guest Not A Number

I think it would just vent out of the top of the soil pipe wouldn't it? :smoke:

Re someone talking about "new mylar". It's the ADF stuff you're talking about. It will block direct infra-red radiation so you wouldn't see the image of a lamp but you still have to deal with the hot air.

The picture at the start of the thread doesn't show lamps. It shows the heat of the wood and tiles on the roof. You can have a pretty good guess where the lamps are but it doesn't show them. Therefore (IMHO) ADF is pointless for a loft grow as you can't get an image of the lamp through the roof even without ADF.

You need to insulate the loft (or the grow area) such that the wood and tiles on the roof don't get hot enough to spot. This is trivially easy to do provided you have the cash (its not expensive either). It will have the added advantage of making the temperatures in your loft much easier to control in summer too.

Once you've done that then you need to stop the hot air leaking out of the eaves. This should have been done when you put the insulation over the roof timbers but you need to check anyway. You shouldn't block the vents at the eaves either.

Then pump your hot air to wherever. I'd suggest that "wherever" might be better discussed in another one of the forums though :doh:

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Anti detectection foil :smoke: Shame on the growshops selling stuff on the back of bullshit propaganda which was designed to scare growers :doh:

Ask yourselves a question..Does this mean everyone with a loft extension risks getting raided for cannabis cultivation?

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;) I agree 100%, spend enough time on your build to ensure your happy with it from the start. Theres nothing worse than having to modify or alter your build halfway through growth because your getting a little paranoid about the thin poly tiles that u stuck to the roof in an half arsed attempt to hide the heat from spying choppers. Put in the effort and reep the rewards without feeling paranoid is what I say.

also if you put false walls round your grow (like batons and plasterboard or similair) and leave a good bit of space between the false walls and the actual walls/tiles, you reduce your heat image dramatically,, possibly enough to foil the feckers :) you also have the option to make your false wall two layers and sandwich some insulation in there to boot.

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You would need a few thousand watts of lighting in your attic to heat the outside surface of your roof. There is no way a 400w or even a 600w is gonna make the slightest difference ffs. The attic is the same dimensions length and width of the house which makes a fairly large area, my lamp is 1m away from my roof and pointing down with a reflector over the top. To heat my tiles enuf to show up on ir imaging, I would have to stand under it with a blowtorch heating the roof. They ONLY measure OUTER surface of buildings. The day they detect any heat from my grow will be the day I bear my arse in Burtons shop window. Stop panicing and chill.

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thanks,, taken my smart metering comment there.

as the heat sig goes,, it seems hiding the grow room is not the issue as much as hiding the venting of hot air.

I have read in Soft Secrets that people vent into their sewage system,, well drains really - not tanks, and that it is safer than venting into a chimney breast,, but I can only take their word for it,, as I havent actually tried myself like.

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Guest dr rockster

You would need a few thousand watts of lighting in your attic to heat the outside surface of your roof. There is no way a 400w or even a 600w is gonna make the slightest difference ffs. The attic is the same dimensions length and width of the house which makes a fairly large area, my lamp is 1m away from my roof and pointing down with a reflector over the top. To heat my tiles enuf to show up on ir imaging, I would have to stand under it with a blowtorch heating the roof. They ONLY measure OUTER surface of buildings. The day they detect any heat from my grow will be the day I bear my arse in Burtons shop window. Stop panicing and chill.

A single 400w lamp venting into the loft can make your roof snow melt which must be looked out for but you are wrong about thermal imaging not spotting a 400 or 600w in the loft.If the ambient temp is say 10c and you are venting at 26c,well then a 14c temp differential will stand out bigtime and willl warm your rooftiles to the extent they can be seen.

But I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. ;)

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A single 400w lamp venting into the loft can make your roof snow melt which must be looked out for but you are wrong about thermal imaging not spotting a 400 or 600w in the loft.If the ambient temp is say 10c and you are venting at 26c,well then a 14c temp differential will stand out bigtime and willl warm your rooftiles to the extent they can be seen.

But I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. :notworthy:

26c is a couple of degrees above what most people heat the inside of their homes. Even with the temp differential is detectable it really won't look that suspicious.

400, 600 even a 1000W won't be that much different. I think only big time growers/dealers need to watch out.

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well my lights have been on since 7.30 this morning, my growroom is 22 degrees and so is the 1400m2 of air being pumped into my loft space.

all the houses around here the roofs are covered in about 2 inches of snow and so is mine, its absolutely covered no hot spots any were.

infact theres a house a couple of doors away that has a small patch of meleted snow about 2 square foot in the centre of there roof but nothing at all on mine.

maybe the 5x 600w lights dont give off as much heat as i thought although it might be that these big old edwardian semis take a little more time to warm up.

i guess that if its not getting hot enough to melt the snow, its not getting hot enough to show up on the thermal imaging.

the growroom should be about 25 degrees in the next fiew hours if this doesnt melt the snow i guess ive got nothing to worry about.

i might get into the loft space later and see if it is the same temperature as the growroom, im guessing itl be a fair bit cooler as its rather large and drafty up there anyway.

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  • 5 months later...
Either that or buy a rocket launcher.

yeah fuckit, i think every grower should invest in a rocket launcher and take those fuckking piggie copters out as they fly over.

send a couple of rounds towards ya local pigsty too while your at it lol

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Guest friendly electrician

chimneys, boilers, gas fires, shower fans, tumble dryers, they all kick out air and heat. Heat can also be exchanged into water and drained away. they would never realise. Even a 1000w lamp could be run off an inverter, which is run off a battery, which is run off a few different sized battery chargers that switch on and off all day. you could even buy a wind generator to seriously offset your local mains power useage.

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  • 3 years later...

this is doing my head in now, there were loads of copper choppers in brum last week because of all the so called terror raids.

i noticed while at the park down the road from my house that one of the copters was hovering still above my house. i was quite worried but then it left. five minuites later it was back, straight to my house and stopped again directly above my roof, maybe 100 meters above it.

i was worried at the time but after reading this article im even more worried.

i have 5 600w light running at the moment as i only grow 2 crops a year.

my grow is in an attic room and the heat is ducted straight into the loft. it was a pretty cold day and the temp in the growroom was only about 20 degrees so it may have been a little cooler than that in the loft.

this was in daylight though as i dont run my lights at night.

do they use the infra red cameras in daylight or are they for night only?

i feel like pulling the plants out and there only 2 weeks into flower.

am i really being paranoid, do they not send the copter out till after a tip off or do they now have enough evidence for a warrant with just the heat signature?

I just noticed the date on this post. Unfortunately this happened to me a few year ago. The chopper was so close to my house the house was shaking 3 weeks later I got busted. what was the outcome mate? Did anything happen?

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