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Westland Multi-purpose Compost With Added Ji


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Think ill try this next time , sick to death of hassels with All-mix you would think somone could do a descent organic medium but it seems not.

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Its Westlands with added JI for me all the way.

I mix in a little perlite and vermiculite for the 1st pot when the seedlings are small. After that I just repot with the compost, no added perlite or vermivulite.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I bought a 60l bag the other day - it seems it's changed from the older bag. Different colour blue for starters old bag was dark blue - new bag lighter blue, & there's a lot less perlite in it, plus a few lumps of white soft rooted wood.

It seems to be a lot less compacted though, so we'll see how it fairs to the older stuff.

I bought two 40l bags, Mrs Om couldn't lift the 60l bag. Strangly enough she could carry both of the 40l bags but I did have to load the second bag onto her other shoulder :(

Like yours Bish mine had a scattering of perlite and a few lumps of wood all be it rotten in it. Mine however, was saturated which makes it really difficult to get through a sieve. I had to let it dry out for a bit and I had a look at it today, it looks great fluffs up lovely.

The plants currently in the westlands are looking nice and healthy no need for any grow yet. I have in the early stages given them a little algamic as there were slight signs of Mg deficiency which have since gone. I have also given them 3ml per litre of rootjuice which seems to be geting results with nice fat white roots at the base of the pot. Soil Secrets micro & biomate have also been introduced and the plants appear to love it. I have to say I am impressed with the Westlands.

I have a few in allmix which arn't doing as well but they have only just been potted up as mums. May repot them in westlands if this grow goes well. I have also added a little calcified seaweed now and stopped the algamic so it will be interesting to see how they go.

Om :wink:

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I just bought a bag of the Westlands Organic stuff. Hmmmm

It looks much more course, with stick-bits in it too. Rather like something that came out of my garden compost heap.

I'm giving it a go though, just to see what happens. I've stuck one of them mad sats in it, something Auzzie or Thai (or a cross of both), I'll let you know in sixteen weeks if it goes well.... Sooner if not. stoned.gif


Let us know how it goes nigs.

Looking good so far mate. It's been in the organic stuff for about 25 days now..... No problems at all so far...

It's not needed any epsoms yet, and is getting the usual grow and bloom mix with the odd water-only watering every so often...


Edited by nigfis
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I'm planning to add perlite to mine next grow :-


I think it's over-watering. It was an almost pot-bound rootball going from an 11mm to an 18mm pot.

In its defence it is only one or two of my plants and a new method of watering (hose).

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Like yours Bish mine had a scattering of perlite and a few lumps of wood all be it rotten in it. Mine however, was saturated which makes it really difficult to get through a sieve. I had to let it dry out for a bit and I had a look at it today, it looks great fluffs up lovely.

The plants currently in the westlands are looking nice and healthy no need for any grow yet.

Were the bags outside or undercover mate? That could account for it being damp?

I've got a coupla plants in the new stuff & a few in the old - no difference whatsoever.

Looking good so far mate. It's been in the organic stuff for about 25 days now..... No problems at all so far...

It's not needed any epsoms yet, and is getting the usual grow and bloom mix with the odd water-only watering every so often...

Sounds like Westlands may have honed their organic recipe at last! :wink: Keep us updated.

I'm planning to add perlite to mine next grow

I wouldn't bother mate - due to the water retaining agent that's in it, just water less. Adding perlite is only diluting what is good in this medium.

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My Mother Cheese's have now been growing very, very nicely in the old westland multi-purpose compost with added john innes for about 29 days now and, as you can tell, they still dont need feeding with any extra chemicals.... Just water.

Praise to be westlands multi-purpose compost with added john innes, you really have made growing cannabis easy, cheap, and simple.

Can't Wait to see how westlands multi-purpose compost with added john innes holds out when flowering


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You'll need to introduce feeding at some point mate - though that is very strain dependent. Usually 7 days into flower start feeding, as they'll definitely be needing it.

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That's just answered a question I had about when to feed. I know I should wait til the plant tells me it needs feeding but really I'd have no idea so around 7 days into flowering is a decent enough estimate for me...

I'm growing in the Westlands with West+ and I added some Epsom Salts at the last watering Friday just gone as it looked like they were getting Mg deficient. They seem to be doing really well under my untrained eye and I'll try and put a pic on later this evening.

I actually topped two of my nine plants last Friday too as two of them are a good few inches taller than the rest (having said that I am growing two strains - Euforia and Mexican Sativa). The thing is, when they all started to germ within a few days of each other, I got so excited that I forgot to keep track of which was which so I'm not actually sure how many of each strain I've got. I began with 6 Euforia and 4 Mex Sat and one didn't germ so in actuality I've either got 5 Euforia and 4 Mex Sats or 3 Mex Sats and 6 Euforia - I hope they are different enough in flowering for me to tell the difference...

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I think the important thing here is not to over do it, so many babies are lost because of too much fert in the early stages, give them chance to establish themselves and only then start feeding, and when you do, try to feed just under the recommend dosage, once they have gained some height and alittle structure, then repot with a slightly heavier feed, hope this helps alittle, good luck bro :war::D

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest south east toker

Thumbs up from me on the westlands multi compo with added ji.

Only used a sprinkle of perlite in their first pots,potted up twice since then.

21 days into flower & only used water so far,next wattering ill be starting to feed.

:spliff: works a treat.



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  • 2 months later...

Anyone know if the Westlands with JI for hanging baskets is any good for our ever expanding

hobby :)

Got to visit the garden centre tomorrow :P

don't wanna get the canna food mixed up :P

ot likes it

Edit: Not sure if it's got JI in it though.

Edited by hairy face
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