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Trichoderma Harzianum & Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizas

Felix Dzerzhinsky

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Hi Felix,

thanks man, i'll look in the supermarket this week for the Billingtons Mollasses as well as the garden centre and online for the Maxicrop and Rockdust, great info on the Innoculants as well :ouch: - never knew it can be used on the leaves as well as the roots, how long do you reckon the 350g tub will last?, i'm now wishing i bought the 700g tub so that i know i have a good supply of it in, is Webby gonna be seeling the Innoculants from now on?, peace, Baz :wink:

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Felix Dzerzhinsky

Hi Bazza,

Webby is doing two inoculants. Essence which is a fine powder smelling slightly of yogurt and Granules. Granules are for the roots and Essence is for use on the leaves and roots. The granular inoculant is really just Essence mixed with Arbuscular Mycorrhizas in a carrier medium. Webby said he'd be up and running full time within the next few weeks :wink:

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Hi Bazza,

Webby is doing two inoculants. Essence which is a fine powder smelling slightly of yogurt and Granules. Granules are for the roots and Essence is for use on the leaves and roots. The granular inoculant is really just Essence mixed with Arbuscular Mycorrhizas in a carrier medium. Webby said he'd be up and running full time within the next few weeks :D

hi felix .. hows it going fella .. who is webby please ? ... can i make innoculant by adding some vermicompost from a wormery to bucket of water and bubbling it ? ... :yinyang: .. oh and by the way my plants have defo shown improvement in yield and vigor since i tuned into this thread all those months ago .... :D:yahoo:;);):cheers:

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Felix Dzerzhinsky

Hi Smeagol, I'm doing well thanks, it's nearly the weekend and that makes it a lot easier :stoned: , how's life treating you ?

That's great news on your grow, well chuffed :wink: . Hope this may help again.

Webby is one of the moderators, you can pm him easily enough through the site

You couldn't make an inoculant with vermicompost as you can't guarantee which species are present but you could make an excellent compost tea by bubbling it with molasses and the Essence. This would provide huge microbial numbers to populate your plants roots. Try and keep the temp around 24C while it's bubbling if you can, I use a little aquarium heater at this time of the year as it speeds the whole process up.

These two inoculants are beneficial because they populate the root zone and leaf surfaces with a balanced community of beneficial organisms and can prevent disease as well as treat it.


Edited by felix_dzerjinski
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Felix Dzerzhinsky

Go for it man lol

Perhaps don't use horticultural soap :eek:


I've never used one as seaweed extract will also act as a mild wetting agent.

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Bobby Dazzler. :guitar: Cheers Pro.

ETA: you thought of going on ready,steady cook?

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Davey Jones

Good stuff Pro!!!

Last time we did a bubble up we added a little dash of fish mix, I have never seen so much foam defo worth a try IMO


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Felix Dzerzhinsky

Nice one P_L,

It's truely amazing how quickly this inoculant can deal with fungal infections. It's as fast as using systemic chemicals and the fact it can be used pretty much right up until harvest is incredible. We used it on our tomato's last year and it stopped blight instantly.

EM2, no offense mate but I'd leave the fish mix out of it, the reason you can see foam forming normally is because protein byproducts made by the bacteria cause that foam to form. Fish mix has a very high protein level so you will get foam right from the start and won't know if it's from elevated populations of bacteria or the protein from the fish mix. Also if you are spraying regularly or in flower fish mix could impart a rather unpleasant odour. Keep it simple and just use molasses and seaweed extract :yep:

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Nice 1 Pro :) , got a couple of Q's not i'm sure about:

- Do you use the Granuals Innoculants (to use on the roots) as well as using the Essence Innoculants in this mix? (i've already bought the Granuals for the roots, still need to buy the Essence)

- At the supermarket they'll have both the Lyle Treacle + Billingtons Mollasses, is either of them better or are the both pretty much the same?

- I don't have a heated Propagator, will the Cooker be ok if i was to keep it on a low heat when Bubbling?, maybe 2 or 3 on the heat?, peace, Baz :yep:

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Felix Dzerzhinsky

If I may on P_L's behalf.

The granules don't need activating just sprinkle them in the planting hole as you would RootGrow, you can also sprinkle some onto any exposed roots when transplanting. Wouldn't use the cooker, perhaps a small aquarium heater or small heat pad for reptiles if you don't have a propagator.

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If I may on P_L's behalf.

The granules don't need activating just sprinkle them in the planting hole as you would RootGrow, you can also sprinkle some onto any exposed roots when transplanting. Wouldn't use the cooker, perhaps a small aquarium heater or small heat pad for reptiles if you don't have a propagator.

Thanks Felix, i'll have a look in my local Pet/Aquarium shop next time i'm in there for a heat pad :russian:

Edit to add: just realised i need to get 1 of those tempreture readers that Pro has as well :smug:

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Felix Dzerzhinsky

You may not need to spend any money Bazz, aquarium heaters have their own thermostat you can set and most reptile heat pads are set to one temperature as well

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